blob: a118a85a0908a2de0b07ecc34972689fa1844cc3 [file] [log] [blame]
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Handles and process orders from asyncronous flows.
* @since 4.0.0
class WC_Stripe_Order_Handler extends WC_Stripe_Payment_Gateway {
private static $_this;
* Constructor.
* @since 4.0.0
* @version 4.0.0
public function __construct() {
self::$_this = $this;
add_action( 'wp', [ $this, 'maybe_process_redirect_order' ] );
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_processing', [ $this, 'capture_payment' ] );
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_completed', [ $this, 'capture_payment' ] );
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_cancelled', [ $this, 'cancel_payment' ] );
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_refunded', [ $this, 'cancel_payment' ] );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_tracks_event_properties', [ $this, 'woocommerce_tracks_event_properties' ], 10, 2 );
* Public access to instance object.
* @since 4.0.0
* @version 4.0.0
public static function get_instance() {
return self::$_this;
* Processes payments.
* Note at this time the original source has already been
* saved to a customer card (if applicable) from process_payment.
* @since 4.0.0
* @since 4.1.8 Add $previous_error parameter.
* @param int $order_id
* @param bool $retry
* @param mix $previous_error Any error message from previous request.
public function process_redirect_payment( $order_id, $retry = true, $previous_error = false ) {
try {
$source = isset( $_GET['source'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_GET['source'] ) ) : '';
if ( empty( $source ) ) {
if ( empty( $order_id ) ) {
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
if ( ! is_object( $order ) ) {
if ( $order->has_status( [ 'processing', 'completed', 'on-hold' ] ) ) {
// Result from Stripe API request.
$response = null;
// This will throw exception if not valid.
$this->validate_minimum_order_amount( $order );
WC_Stripe_Logger::log( "Info: (Redirect) Begin processing payment for order $order_id for the amount of {$order->get_total()}" );
* First check if the source is chargeable at this time. If not,
* webhook will take care of it later.
$source_info = WC_Stripe_API::retrieve( 'sources/' . $source );
if ( ! empty( $source_info->error ) ) {
throw new WC_Stripe_Exception( print_r( $source_info, true ), $source_info->error->message );
if ( 'failed' === $source_info->status || 'canceled' === $source_info->status ) {
throw new WC_Stripe_Exception( print_r( $source_info, true ), __( 'Unable to process this payment, please try again or use alternative method.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ) );
// If already consumed, then ignore request.
if ( 'consumed' === $source_info->status ) {
// If not chargeable, then ignore request.
if ( 'chargeable' !== $source_info->status ) {
// Prep source object.
$prepared_source = $this->prepare_order_source( $order );
$prepared_source->status = 'chargeable';
* If we're doing a retry and source is chargeable, we need to pass
* a different idempotency key and retry for success.
if ( $this->need_update_idempotency_key( $prepared_source, $previous_error ) ) {
add_filter( 'wc_stripe_idempotency_key', [ $this, 'change_idempotency_key' ], 10, 2 );
// Make the request.
$response = WC_Stripe_API::request( $this->generate_payment_request( $order, $prepared_source ), 'charges', 'POST', true );
$headers = $response['headers'];
$response = $response['body'];
if ( ! empty( $response->error ) ) {
// Customer param wrong? The user may have been deleted on stripe's end. Remove customer_id. Can be retried without.
if ( $this->is_no_such_customer_error( $response->error ) ) {
delete_user_option( $order->get_customer_id(), '_stripe_customer_id' );
$order->delete_meta_data( '_stripe_customer_id' );
if ( $this->is_no_such_token_error( $response->error ) && $prepared_source->token_id ) {
// Source param wrong? The CARD may have been deleted on stripe's end. Remove token and show message.
$wc_token = WC_Payment_Tokens::get( $prepared_source->token_id );
$localized_message = __( 'This card is no longer available and has been removed.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' );
$order->add_order_note( $localized_message );
throw new WC_Stripe_Exception( print_r( $response, true ), $localized_message );
// We want to retry.
if ( $this->is_retryable_error( $response->error ) ) {
if ( $retry ) {
// Don't do anymore retries after this.
if ( 5 <= $this->retry_interval ) {
return $this->process_redirect_payment( $order_id, false, $response->error );
sleep( $this->retry_interval );
return $this->process_redirect_payment( $order_id, true, $response->error );
} else {
$localized_message = __( 'Sorry, we are unable to process your payment at this time. Please retry later.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' );
$order->add_order_note( $localized_message );
throw new WC_Stripe_Exception( print_r( $response, true ), $localized_message );
$localized_messages = WC_Stripe_Helper::get_localized_messages();
if ( 'card_error' === $response->error->type ) {
$message = isset( $localized_messages[ $response->error->code ] ) ? $localized_messages[ $response->error->code ] : $response->error->message;
} else {
$message = isset( $localized_messages[ $response->error->type ] ) ? $localized_messages[ $response->error->type ] : $response->error->message;
throw new WC_Stripe_Exception( print_r( $response, true ), $message );
// To prevent double processing the order on WC side.
if ( ! $this->is_original_request( $headers ) ) {
do_action( 'wc_gateway_stripe_process_redirect_payment', $response, $order );
$this->process_response( $response, $order );
} catch ( WC_Stripe_Exception $e ) {
WC_Stripe_Logger::log( 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() );
do_action( 'wc_gateway_stripe_process_redirect_payment_error', $e, $order );
/* translators: error message */
$order->update_status( 'failed', sprintf( __( 'Stripe payment failed: %s', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), $e->getLocalizedMessage() ) );
wc_add_notice( $e->getLocalizedMessage(), 'error' );
wp_safe_redirect( wc_get_checkout_url() );
* Processes the orders that are redirected.
* @since 4.0.0
* @version 4.0.0
public function maybe_process_redirect_order() {
if ( ! is_order_received_page() || empty( $_GET['client_secret'] ) || empty( $_GET['source'] ) ) {
$order_id = isset( $_GET['order_id'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_GET['order_id'] ) ) : '';
$this->process_redirect_payment( $order_id );
* Capture payment when the order is changed from on-hold to complete or processing.
* @since 3.1.0
* @version 4.0.0
* @param int $order_id
* @return stdClass|void Result of payment capture.
public function capture_payment( $order_id ) {
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
if ( 'stripe' === $order->get_payment_method() ) {
$charge = $order->get_transaction_id();
$captured = $order->get_meta( '_stripe_charge_captured', true );
$is_stripe_captured = false;
if ( $charge && 'no' === $captured ) {
$order_total = $order->get_total();
if ( 0 < $order->get_total_refunded() ) {
$order_total = $order_total - $order->get_total_refunded();
$intent = $this->get_intent_from_order( $order );
if ( $intent ) {
// If the order has a Payment Intent, then the Intent itself must be captured, not the Charge
if ( ! empty( $intent->error ) ) {
/* translators: error message */
$order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Unable to capture charge! %s', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), $intent->error->message ) );
} elseif ( 'requires_capture' === $intent->status ) {
$level3_data = $this->get_level3_data_from_order( $order );
$result = WC_Stripe_API::request_with_level3_data(
'amount' => WC_Stripe_Helper::get_stripe_amount( $order_total ),
'expand[]' => '',
'payment_intents/' . $intent->id . '/capture',
if ( ! empty( $result->error ) ) {
/* translators: error message */
$order->update_status( 'failed', sprintf( __( 'Unable to capture charge! %s', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), $result->error->message ) );
} else {
$is_stripe_captured = true;
$result = end( $result->charges->data );
} elseif ( 'succeeded' === $intent->status ) {
$is_stripe_captured = true;
} else {
// The order doesn't have a Payment Intent, fall back to capturing the Charge directly
// First retrieve charge to see if it has been captured.
$result = WC_Stripe_API::retrieve( 'charges/' . $charge );
if ( ! empty( $result->error ) ) {
/* translators: error message */
$order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Unable to capture charge! %s', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), $result->error->message ) );
} elseif ( false === $result->captured ) {
$level3_data = $this->get_level3_data_from_order( $order );
$result = WC_Stripe_API::request_with_level3_data(
'amount' => WC_Stripe_Helper::get_stripe_amount( $order_total ),
'expand[]' => 'balance_transaction',
'charges/' . $charge . '/capture',
if ( ! empty( $result->error ) ) {
/* translators: error message */
$order->update_status( 'failed', sprintf( __( 'Unable to capture charge! %s', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), $result->error->message ) );
} else {
$is_stripe_captured = true;
} elseif ( true === $result->captured ) {
$is_stripe_captured = true;
if ( $is_stripe_captured ) {
/* translators: transaction id */
$order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Stripe charge complete (Charge ID: %s)', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), $result->id ) );
$order->update_meta_data( '_stripe_charge_captured', 'yes' );
// Store other data such as fees
$order->set_transaction_id( $result->id );
if ( is_callable( [ $order, 'save' ] ) ) {
$this->update_fees( $order, $result->balance_transaction->id );
// This hook fires when admin manually changes order status to processing or completed.
do_action( 'woocommerce_stripe_process_manual_capture', $order, $result );
return $result;
* Cancel pre-auth on refund/cancellation.
* @since 3.1.0
* @version 4.2.2
* @param int $order_id
public function cancel_payment( $order_id ) {
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
if ( 'stripe' === $order->get_payment_method() ) {
$captured = $order->get_meta( '_stripe_charge_captured', true );
if ( 'no' === $captured ) {
$this->process_refund( $order_id );
// This hook fires when admin manually changes order status to cancel.
do_action( 'woocommerce_stripe_process_manual_cancel', $order );
* Filter. Adds additional meta data to Tracks events.
* Note that this filter is only called if WC_Site_Tracking::is_tracking_enabled.
* @since 4.5.1
* @param array Properties to be appended to.
* @param string Event name, e.g. orders_edit_status_change.
public function woocommerce_tracks_event_properties( $properties, $prefixed_event_name ) {
// Not the desired event? Bail.
if ( 'wcadmin_orders_edit_status_change' != $prefixed_event_name ) {
return $properties;
// Properties not an array? Bail.
if ( ! is_array( $properties ) ) {
return $properties;
// No payment_method in properties? Bail.
if ( ! array_key_exists( 'payment_method', $properties ) ) {
return $properties;
// Not stripe? Bail.
if ( 'stripe' != $properties['payment_method'] ) {
return $properties;
// Due diligence done. Collect the metadata.
$is_live = true;
$stripe_settings = get_option( 'woocommerce_stripe_settings', [] );
if ( array_key_exists( 'testmode', $stripe_settings ) ) {
$is_live = 'no' === $stripe_settings['testmode'];
$properties['admin_email'] = get_option( 'admin_email' );
$properties['is_live'] = $is_live;
$properties['woocommerce_gateway_stripe_version'] = WC_STRIPE_VERSION;
$properties['woocommerce_default_country'] = get_option( 'woocommerce_default_country' );
return $properties;
new WC_Stripe_Order_Handler();