blob: e9a97aca3fac785d27a05eff5ab5a1ac3a92a4b2 [file] [log] [blame]
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* WC_Stripe_Account class.
* Communicates with Stripe API.
class WC_Stripe_Account {
const LIVE_ACCOUNT_OPTION = 'wcstripe_account_data_live';
const TEST_ACCOUNT_OPTION = 'wcstripe_account_data_test';
const STATUS_COMPLETE = 'complete';
const STATUS_RESTRICTED_SOON = 'restricted_soon';
const STATUS_RESTRICTED = 'restricted';
* The Stripe connect instance.
* @var WC_Stripe_Connect
private $connect;
* The Stripe API class to access the static method.
* @var WC_Stripe_API
private $stripe_api;
* Constructor
* @param WC_Stripe_Connect $connect Stripe connect
* @param $stripe_api Stripe API class
public function __construct( WC_Stripe_Connect $connect, $stripe_api ) {
$this->connect = $connect;
$this->stripe_api = $stripe_api;
* Gets and caches the data for the account connected to this site.
* @return array Account data or empty if failed to retrieve account data.
public function get_cached_account_data() {
if ( ! $this->connect->is_connected() ) {
return [];
$account = $this->read_account_from_cache();
if ( ! empty( $account ) ) {
return $account;
return $this->cache_account();
* Read the account from the WP option we cache it in.
* @return array empty when no data found in transient, otherwise returns cached data
private function read_account_from_cache() {
$account_cache = json_decode( wp_json_encode( get_transient( $this->get_transient_key() ) ), true );
return false === $account_cache ? [] : $account_cache;
* Caches account data for a period of time.
private function cache_account() {
$expiration = 2 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
// need call_user_func() as ( $this->stripe_api )::retrieve this syntax is not supported in php < 5.2
$account = call_user_func( [ $this->stripe_api, 'retrieve' ], 'account' );
if ( is_wp_error( $account ) || isset( $account->error->message ) ) {
return [];
// Add the account data and mode to the array we're caching.
$account_cache = $account;
// Create or update the account option cache.
set_transient( $this->get_transient_key(), $account_cache, $expiration );
return json_decode( wp_json_encode( $account ), true );
* Checks Stripe connection mode if it is test mode or live mode
* @return string Transient key of test mode when testmode is enabled, otherwise returns the key of live mode.
private function get_transient_key() {
$settings_options = get_option( 'woocommerce_stripe_settings', [] );
$key = isset( $settings_options['testmode'] ) && 'yes' === $settings_options['testmode'] ? self::TEST_ACCOUNT_OPTION : self::LIVE_ACCOUNT_OPTION;
return $key;
* Wipes the account data option.
public function clear_cache() {
delete_transient( self::LIVE_ACCOUNT_OPTION );
delete_transient( self::TEST_ACCOUNT_OPTION );
* Indicates whether the account has any pending requirements that could cause the account to be restricted.
* @return bool True if account has pending restrictions, false otherwise.
public function has_pending_requirements() {
$requirements = $this->get_cached_account_data()['requirements'] ?? [];
if ( empty( $requirements ) ) {
return false;
$currently_due = $requirements['currently_due'] ?? [];
$past_due = $requirements['past_due'] ?? [];
$eventually_due = $requirements['eventually_due'] ?? [];
return (
! empty( $currently_due ) ||
! empty( $past_due ) ||
! empty( $eventually_due )
* Indicates whether the account has any overdue requirements that could cause the account to be restricted.
* @return bool True if account has overdue restrictions, false otherwise.
public function has_overdue_requirements() {
$requirements = $this->get_cached_account_data()['requirements'] ?? [];
return ! empty( $requirements['past_due'] );
* Returns the account's Stripe status (completed, restricted_soon, restricted).
* @return string The account's status.
public function get_account_status() {
$account = $this->get_cached_account_data();
if ( empty( $account ) ) {
return self::STATUS_NO_ACCOUNT;
$requirements = $account['requirements'] ?? [];
if ( empty( $requirements ) ) {
return self::STATUS_COMPLETE;
if ( isset( $requirements['disabled_reason'] ) && is_string( $requirements['disabled_reason'] ) ) {
// If an account has been rejected, then disabled_reason will have a value like "rejected.<reason>"
if ( strpos( $requirements['disabled_reason'], 'rejected' ) === 0 ) {
return $requirements['disabled_reason'];
// If disabled_reason is not empty, then the account has been restricted.
if ( ! empty( $requirements['disabled_reason'] ) ) {
// Should be covered by the non-empty disabled_reason, but past due requirements also restrict the account.
if ( isset( $requirements['past_due'] ) && ! empty( $requirements['past_due'] ) ) {
// Any other pending requirments indicate restricted soon.
if ( $this->has_pending_requirements() ) {
return self::STATUS_COMPLETE;
* Returns the Stripe's account supported currencies.
* @return string[] Supported store currencies.
public function get_supported_store_currencies(): array {
$account = $this->get_cached_account_data();
if ( ! isset( $account['external_accounts']['data'] ) ) {
return [ $account['default_currency'] ?? get_woocommerce_currency() ];
$currencies = array_filter( array_column( $account['external_accounts']['data'], 'currency' ) );
return array_values( array_unique( $currencies ) );