Initial commit
diff --git a/includes/constants/class-wc-stripe-hong-kong-states.php b/includes/constants/class-wc-stripe-hong-kong-states.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2e8cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/constants/class-wc-stripe-hong-kong-states.php
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
+ exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
+ * Class WC_Stripe_Hong_Kong_States
+ *
+ * Contains a list of districts (equivalent to WC states) in Hong Kong used for normalization and validation purposes.
+ * This is necessary due to a bug in Apple Pay that's currently being worked on. Until
+ * that bug is fixed this workaround will be necessary.
+ *
+ * More info in pc4etw-bY-p2.
+ *
+ * @since 5.8.0
+ */
+class WC_Stripe_Hong_Kong_States {
+ // Source:
+ const STATES = [
+ 'hong kong',
+ '港島',
+ 'central and western',
+ '中西區',
+ 'kennedy town',
+ 'shek tong tsui',
+ 'sai ying pun',
+ 'sheung wan',
+ 'central',
+ 'admiralty',
+ 'mid-levels',
+ 'peak',
+ '堅尼地城',
+ '石塘咀',
+ '西營盤',
+ '上環',
+ '中環',
+ '金鐘',
+ '半山區',
+ '山頂',
+ 'wan chai',
+ '灣仔',
+ 'causeway bay',
+ 'happy valley',
+ 'tai hang',
+ 'so kon po',
+ "jardine's lookout",
+ '灣仔',
+ '銅鑼灣',
+ '跑馬地',
+ '大坑',
+ '掃桿埔',
+ '渣甸山',
+ 'eastern',
+ '東區',
+ 'tin hau',
+ 'braemar hill',
+ 'north point',
+ 'quarry bay',
+ 'sai wan ho',
+ 'shau kei wan',
+ 'chai wan',
+ 'siu sai wan',
+ '天后',
+ '寶馬山',
+ '北角',
+ '鰂魚涌',
+ '西灣河',
+ '筲箕灣',
+ '柴灣',
+ '小西灣',
+ 'southern',
+ '南區',
+ 'pok fu lam',
+ 'aberdeen',
+ 'ap lei chau',
+ 'wong chuk hang',
+ 'shouson hill',
+ 'repulse bay',
+ 'chung hom kok',
+ 'stanley',
+ 'tai tam',
+ 'shek o',
+ '薄扶林',
+ '香港仔',
+ '鴨脷洲',
+ '黃竹坑',
+ '壽臣山',
+ '淺水灣',
+ '舂磡角',
+ '赤柱',
+ '大潭',
+ '石澳',
+ 'kowloon',
+ '九龍',
+ 'yau tsim mong',
+ '油尖旺',
+ 'tsim sha tsui',
+ 'yau ma tei',
+ 'west kowloon reclamation',
+ "king's park, mong kok",
+ 'tai kok tsui',
+ '尖沙咀',
+ '油麻地',
+ '西九龍填海區',
+ '京士柏',
+ '旺角',
+ '大角咀',
+ 'sham shui po',
+ '深水埗',
+ 'mei foo',
+ 'lai chi kok',
+ 'cheung sha wan',
+ 'shek kip mei',
+ 'yau yat tsuen',
+ 'tai wo ping',
+ 'stonecutters island',
+ '美孚',
+ '荔枝角',
+ '長沙灣',
+ '石硤尾',
+ '又一村',
+ '大窩坪',
+ '昂船洲',
+ 'kowloon city',
+ '九龍城',
+ 'hung hom',
+ 'to kwa wan',
+ 'ma tau kok',
+ 'ma tau wai',
+ 'kai tak',
+ 'ho man tin',
+ 'kowloon tong',
+ 'beacon hill',
+ '紅磡',
+ '土瓜灣',
+ '馬頭角',
+ '馬頭圍',
+ '啟德',
+ '何文田',
+ '九龍塘',
+ '筆架山',
+ 'wong tai sin',
+ '黃大仙',
+ 'san po kong',
+ 'tung tau',
+ 'wang tau hom',
+ 'lok fu',
+ 'diamond hill',
+ 'tsz wan shan',
+ 'ngau chi wan',
+ '新蒲崗',
+ '東頭',
+ '橫頭磡',
+ '樂富',
+ '鑽石山',
+ '慈雲山',
+ '牛池灣',
+ 'kwun tong',
+ '觀塘',
+ 'ping shek',
+ 'kowloon bay',
+ 'ngau tau kok',
+ 'jordan valley',
+ 'kwun tong',
+ 'sau mau ping',
+ 'lam tin',
+ 'yau tong',
+ 'lei yue mun',
+ '坪石',
+ '九龍灣',
+ '牛頭角',
+ '佐敦谷',
+ '觀塘',
+ '秀茂坪',
+ '藍田',
+ '油塘',
+ '鯉魚門',
+ 'new territories',
+ '新界',
+ 'kwai tsing',
+ '葵青',
+ 'kwai chung',
+ 'tsing yi',
+ '葵涌',
+ '青衣',
+ 'tsuen wan',
+ '荃灣',
+ 'lei muk shue',
+ 'ting kau',
+ 'sham tseng',
+ 'tsing lung tau',
+ 'ma wan',
+ 'sunny bay',
+ '梨木樹',
+ '汀九',
+ '深井',
+ '青龍頭',
+ '馬灣',
+ '欣澳',
+ 'tuen mun',
+ '屯門',
+ 'tai lam chung',
+ 'so kwun wat',
+ 'tuen mun',
+ 'lam tei',
+ '大欖涌',
+ '掃管笏',
+ '屯門',
+ '藍地',
+ 'yuen long',
+ '元朗',
+ 'hung shui kiu',
+ 'ha tsuen',
+ 'lau fau shan',
+ 'tin shui wai',
+ 'yuen long',
+ 'san tin',
+ 'lok ma chau',
+ 'kam tin',
+ 'shek kong',
+ 'pat heung',
+ '洪水橋',
+ '廈村',
+ '流浮山',
+ '天水圍',
+ '元朗',
+ '新田',
+ '落馬洲',
+ '錦田',
+ '石崗',
+ '八鄉',
+ 'north',
+ '北區',
+ 'fanling',
+ 'luen wo hui',
+ 'sheung shui',
+ 'shek wu hui',
+ 'sha tau kok',
+ 'luk keng',
+ 'wu kau tang',
+ '粉嶺',
+ '聯和墟',
+ '上水',
+ '石湖墟',
+ '沙頭角',
+ '鹿頸',
+ '烏蛟騰',
+ 'tai po',
+ '大埔',
+ 'tai po market',
+ 'tai po kau',
+ 'tai mei tuk',
+ 'shuen wan',
+ 'cheung muk tau',
+ 'kei ling ha',
+ '大埔墟',
+ '大埔',
+ '大埔滘',
+ '大尾篤',
+ '船灣',
+ '樟木頭',
+ '企嶺下',
+ 'sha tin',
+ '沙田',
+ 'tai wai',
+ 'fo tan',
+ 'ma liu shui',
+ 'wu kai sha',
+ 'ma on shan',
+ '大圍',
+ '火炭',
+ '馬料水',
+ '烏溪沙',
+ '馬鞍山',
+ 'sai kung',
+ '西貢',
+ 'clear water bay',
+ 'tai mong tsai',
+ 'tseung kwan o',
+ 'hang hau',
+ 'tiu keng leng',
+ 'ma yau tong',
+ '清水灣',
+ '大網仔',
+ '將軍澳',
+ '坑口',
+ '調景嶺',
+ '馬游塘',
+ 'islands',
+ '離島',
+ 'cheung chau',
+ 'peng chau',
+ 'lantau island (including tung chung)',
+ 'lamma island',
+ '長洲',
+ '坪洲',
+ '大嶼山(包括東涌)',
+ '南丫島',
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Checks if the given state is a valid region (equivalent to WC state) in Hong Kong.
+ *
+ * @param string $state The state to be evaluated.
+ * @return bool True if the provided state is valid, false otherwise.
+ */
+ public static function is_valid_state( $state ) {
+ return in_array( $state, self::STATES, true );
+ }