blob: e0792b82896d853088021c153056338edaf88c7a [file] [log] [blame]
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Controls the UPE compatibility before we release UPE - adds some notices for the merchant if necessary.
* @since 5.5.0
class WC_Stripe_UPE_Compatibility_Controller {
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'admin_notices', [ $this, 'add_compatibility_notice' ] );
* I created this as a separate method, so it can be mocked in unit tests.
* @retun string
public function get_wc_version() {
return WC_VERSION;
* Adds a compatibility notice in the `wp-admin` area in case the version of WooCommerce or WordPress are (or will be) not supported.
public function add_compatibility_notice() {
* The following might be hard to read, but here's what I'm trying to do:
* - If WP and WC are both supported -> nothing to do
* - If WC is not supported -> construct message saying "Stripe requires WooCommerce 5.4 or greater to be installed and active. Your version of WooCommerce [X.X] is no longer be supported"
* - If WP is not supported -> construct message saying "Stripe requires WordPress 5.6 or greater. Your version of WordPress [X.X] is no longer be supported"
* - If WC & WP are both not supported -> construct message saying "Stripe requires WordPress 5.6 or greater and WooCommerce 5.4 or greater to be installed and active. Your versions of WordPress [X.X] and WooCommerce [X.X] are no longer be supported"
$unsatisfied_requirements = array_filter(
'name' => 'WordPress',
'version' => get_bloginfo( 'version' ),
'is_supported' => WC_Stripe_UPE_Compatibility::is_wp_supported(),
/* translators: %s. WordPress version installed. */
'message' => sprintf( __( 'WordPress %s or greater', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), WC_Stripe_UPE_Compatibility::MIN_WP_VERSION ),
'name' => 'WooCommerce',
'version' => $this->get_wc_version(),
'is_supported' => version_compare( $this->get_wc_version(), WC_Stripe_UPE_Compatibility::MIN_WC_VERSION, '>=' ),
'message' => sprintf(
/* translators: %s. WooCommerce version installed. */
'WooCommerce %s or greater to be installed and active',
function ( $requirement ) {
return ! $requirement['is_supported'];
if ( count( $unsatisfied_requirements ) === 0 ) {
$this->show_current_compatibility_notice( $unsatisfied_requirements );
private function get_installed_versions_message( $unsatisfied_requirements ) {
return join(
__( ' and ', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ),
function ( $requirement ) {
return $requirement['name'] . ' ' . $requirement['version'];
private function get_unsatisfied_requirements_message( $unsatisfied_requirements ) {
return join(
__( ' and ', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ),
function ( $requirement ) {
return $requirement['message'];
private function show_current_compatibility_notice( $unsatisfied_requirements ) {
* The following might be hard to read, but here's what I'm trying to do:
* - If WP and WC are both supported -> nothing to do
* - If WC is not supported -> construct message saying "WooCommerce Stripe requires WooCommerce 5.4 or greater to be installed and active. Your version of WooCommerce [X.X] is no longer supported"
* - If WP is not supported -> construct message saying "WooCommerce Stripe requires WordPress 5.6 or greater. Your version of WordPress [X.X] is no longer supported"
* - If WC & WP are both not supported -> construct message saying "WooCommerce Stripe requires WordPress 5.6 or greater and WooCommerce 5.4 or greater to be installed and active. Your versions of WordPress [X.X] and WooCommerce [X.X] are no longer supported"
$unsatisfied_requirements_message = $this->get_unsatisfied_requirements_message( $unsatisfied_requirements );
$unsatisfied_requirements_versions = $this->get_installed_versions_message( $unsatisfied_requirements );
echo '<div class="error"><p><strong>';
echo wp_kses_post(
/* translators: $1. Minimum WooCommerce and/or WordPress versions. $2. Current WooCommerce and/or versions. $3 Learn more link. */
'WooCommerce Stripe requires %1$s. Your version of %2$s is no longer supported.',
'WooCommerce Stripe requires %1$s. Your versions of %2$s are no longer supported.',
count( $unsatisfied_requirements ),
echo '</strong></p></div>';