blob: 98e8d7f597560603a8792509f4c1f6d15b3a33d2 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/sh
# ******************************************************************************
# elemcvt: convert NIST "Linear ASCII" table of elements to units(1) format
# Usage: elemcvt [options] [<file>]
# Author: Jeff Conrad
# Date: 2024-01-06
# ******************************************************************************
# Adjust PATH to suit.
# For Windows w/MKS Toolkit, this assumes /bin is a symbolic link to
# $ROOTDIR/mksnt.
export TITLEBAR=$progname
umsg="Usage: $progname [options] [file]
-d Show elements for which no standard atomic mass is given and exit
-v Verbose"
show_no_std_atomic_mass= # show elements for which no std atomic mass is given
DUALCASE=1 # used in MKS Toolkit to make options case sensitive
while getopts :dv arg
case $arg in
show_no_std_atomic_mass=YES ;;
verbose=YES ;;
# OPTARG contains the option missing the argument
print -ru2 -- "$progname: option $OPTARG requires an argument"
# OPTARG contains the invalid option
print -ru2 -- "$progname: unknown option $OPTARG"
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
if [ -n "$errors" ]
print -ru2 -- "$umsg"
exit 1
awk '
function show_element_info(atomic_number, atomic_symbol, std_atomic_mass_str)
printf("# %s: %s (%d)", names[atomic_number], atomic_symbol, atomic_number)
if (std_atomic_mass_str)
printf(" std atomic weight: %s", std_atomic_mass_str)
print ""
# <name>_<atomic num> <mass> # <mole fraction>
function show_isotope(name, num)
printf("%-*s%*s%*.*f", max_isotope_len, sprintf("%s_%d", name, num),
sepwid, " ", isoprecis + 4, isoprecis, mass[num])
if (composition[num])
printf(" # %.*f", compprecis, composition[num])
print ""
function show_element_name(name)
printf("%-*s%*s", max_name_len, name, sepwid, " ")
# <mole fraction> <name>_<mass num>
function mole_fraction(atomic_number, names, mass_num, mass_wid)
if (composition[mass_num] == 1) {
mass_wid = length(int(mass_number[n_isotopes]))
# align with 1st digit of atomic mass
printf("%*s%s_%d", sepwid + 2 - mass_wid, " ", names[atomic_number], mass_num)
printf("%.*f %s_%d", compprecis, composition[mass_num],
names[atomic_number], mass_num)
# add line continuation and '+' sign
function add_continuation()
printf(" \\\n")
printf("%-*s+ ", max_name_len + sepwid - 2, " ")
# <name>_<mass num> # most stable
function use_most_stable(atomic_number, mass, mass_wid)
mass_wid = length(int(mass_number[n_isotopes]))
printf("%*s%-*s # most stable", sepwid + 2 - mass_wid, " ",
isoprecis + 1 + mass_wid, sprintf("%s_%d", names[atomic_number], mass))
# <name>_<mass num> # standard atomic mass
function use_std_mass(atomic_number, mass, mass_wid)
mass_wid = length(int(mass_number[n_isotopes]))
printf("%*s%-*s # standard atomic mass", sepwid + 2 - mass_wid, " ",
isoprecis + 1 + mass_wid, sprintf("%s_%d", names[atomic_number], mass))
# show isotopes and the sum of mole fraction-mass products
function show_element_data(atomic_number, names)
# isotopes and relative abundances
for (ndx = 1; ndx <= n_isotopes; ndx++) {
mass_num = mass_number[ndx]
show_isotope(names[atomic_number], mass_num)
# show a value for atomic mass if one of these is available;
# otherwise, show only isotope masses.
if (total_composition > 0 || most_stable_mass || std_atomic_mass)
show_element = 1
show_element = 0
# atomic mass: sum of mole fraction-mass products
# element name
if (show_element)
mass_num = mass_number[1]
firstval = 0
# first isotope
if (composition[mass_num] > 0) {
mole_fraction(atomic_number, names, mass_num)
firstval = 1
if (n_isotopes > 1) {
for (ndx = 2; ndx < n_isotopes; ndx++) {
mass_num = mass_number[ndx]
if (composition[mass_num] > 0) {
if (firstval == 1)
mole_fraction(atomic_number, names, mass_num)
firstval = 1
# last isotope
mass_num = mass_number[n_isotopes]
if (composition[mass_num] > 0) {
if (firstval == 1)
mole_fraction(atomic_number, names, mass_num)
print ""
print ""
# options if mole fraction is not given for any isotope
if (total_composition == 0) {
if (most_stable_mass)
use_most_stable(atomic_number, most_stable_mass)
else if (std_atomic_mass)
use_std_mass(atomic_number, std_atomic_mass)
if (! composition[mass_number[n_isotopes]])
print ""
function output(atomic_number)
sepwid = 5 # width of column separation
compprecis = 8 # for mole fraction
isoprecis = 10 # for isotope mass
# NIST show H, D, and T
if (atomic_number == 1)
atomic_symbol = "H"
show_element_info(atomic_number, atomic_symbol, std_atomic_mass_str)
if (am_names[atomic_number])
print "# IUPAC spelling"
show_element_data(atomic_number, names)
# show American spelling if different from IUPAC
if (am_names[atomic_number]) {
print "# American spelling"
show_element_data(atomic_number, am_names)
if (show_element)
print "" # blank line between elements
most_stable_mass = 0
total_composition = 0
function gnu_notes()
print "\
# This file is the elements database for use with GNU units, a units\n\
# conversion program by Adrian Mariano\n\
# January 2024 Version 1.0\n\
# Copyright (C) 2024\n\
# Free Software Foundation, Inc\n\
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or\n\
# (at your option) any later version.\n\
# This data is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\
# GNU General Public License for more details.\n\
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n\
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n\
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,\n\
# Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA\n"
function nist_notes()
print "# From\n"
# notes from
print "\
# For several elements, the standard atomic weight A_r is given as an\n\
# atomic-weight interval with the symbol [a,b] to denote the set of\n\
# atomic-weight values in normal materials; thus, [a <= A_r(E) <= b].\n\
# The symbols a and b denote the lower and upper bounds of the\n\
# interval [a,b], respectively. The values in parentheses, following\n\
# the last significant digit to which they are attributed, are\n\
# uncertainties.\n\
# Brackets [ ] enclosing a single value indicate the mass number of\n\
# the most stable isotope. For radioactive elements with atomic\n\
# numbers 95 or greater, the mass number of the most stable isotope is\n\
# not specified, as the list of studied isotopes is still\n\
# incomplete.\n"
function units_notes()
print "\
# When composition mole fractions of isotopes are given, the atomic mass\n\
# of an element is given as the sum of the product(s) of mole\n\
# fraction(s) and the atomic masses of the relevant isotopes. When composition\n\
# mole fractions are not given, the atomic mass is given as\n\
# * the mass of the most stable isotope, if available, or\n\
# * the standard atomic mass of the element, if available.\n\
# If neither the most stable isotope nore a standard atomic mass is\n\
# available, no atomic mass for the element is given; the user must\n\
# select the isotope most suitable for their purposes.\n\
# If the standard atomic mass is a range, the value given is the\n\
# midpoint of that range, which may differ from the value determined\n\
# from the sum of the products of composition mole fraction and isotope\n\
# atomic mass.\n"
FS = " *= *"
show_no_std_atomic_mass = "'"$show_no_std_atomic_mass"'"
verbose = "'"$verbose"'"
console = "/dev/console"
# IUPAC spellings
names[1] = "hydrogen"
names[2] = "helium"
names[3] = "lithium"
names[4] = "beryllium"
names[5] = "boron"
names[6] = "carbon"
names[7] = "nitrogen"
names[8] = "oxygen"
names[9] = "fluorine"
names[10] = "neon"
names[11] = "sodium"
names[12] = "magnesium"
names[13] = "aluminium"
names[14] = "silicon"
names[15] = "phosphorus"
names[16] = "sulfur"
names[17] = "chlorine"
names[18] = "argon"
names[19] = "potassium"
names[20] = "calcium"
names[21] = "scandium"
names[22] = "titanium"
names[23] = "vanadium"
names[24] = "chromium"
names[25] = "manganese"
names[26] = "iron"
names[27] = "cobalt"
names[28] = "nickel"
names[29] = "copper"
names[30] = "zinc"
names[31] = "gallium"
names[32] = "germanium"
names[33] = "arsenic"
names[34] = "selenium"
names[35] = "bromine"
names[36] = "krypton"
names[37] = "rubidium"
names[38] = "strontium"
names[39] = "yttrium"
names[40] = "zirconium"
names[41] = "niobium"
names[42] = "molybdenum"
names[43] = "technetium"
names[44] = "ruthenium"
names[45] = "rhodium"
names[46] = "palladium"
names[47] = "silver"
names[48] = "cadmium"
names[49] = "indium"
names[50] = "tin"
names[51] = "antimony"
names[52] = "tellurium"
names[53] = "iodine"
names[54] = "xenon"
names[55] = "caesium"
names[56] = "barium"
names[57] = "lanthanum"
names[58] = "cerium"
names[59] = "praseodymium"
names[60] = "neodymium"
names[61] = "promethium"
names[62] = "samarium"
names[63] = "europium"
names[64] = "gadolinium"
names[65] = "terbium"
names[66] = "dysprosium"
names[67] = "holmium"
names[68] = "erbium"
names[69] = "thulium"
names[70] = "ytterbium"
names[71] = "lutetium"
names[72] = "hafnium"
names[73] = "tantalum"
names[74] = "tungsten"
names[75] = "rhenium"
names[76] = "osmium"
names[77] = "iridium"
names[78] = "platinum"
names[79] = "gold"
names[80] = "mercury"
names[81] = "thallium"
names[82] = "lead"
names[83] = "bismuth"
names[84] = "polonium"
names[85] = "astatine"
names[86] = "radon"
names[87] = "francium"
names[88] = "radium"
names[89] = "actinium"
names[90] = "thorium"
names[91] = "protactinium"
names[92] = "uranium"
names[93] = "neptunium"
names[94] = "plutonium"
names[95] = "americium"
names[96] = "curium"
names[97] = "berkelium"
names[98] = "californium"
names[99] = "einsteinium"
names[100] = "fermium"
names[101] = "mendelevium"
names[102] = "nobelium"
names[103] = "lawrencium"
names[104] = "rutherfordium"
names[105] = "dubnium"
names[106] = "seaborgium"
names[107] = "bohrium"
names[108] = "hassium"
names[109] = "meitnerium"
names[110] = "darmstadtium"
names[111] = "roentgenium"
names[112] = "copernicium"
names[113] = "nihonium"
names[114] = "flerovium"
names[115] = "moscovium"
names[116] = "livermorium"
names[117] = "tennessine"
names[118] = "oganesson"
# American spellings
am_names[13] = "aluminum"
am_names[55] = "cesium"
max_name_len = 0 # length of longest element name
for (i = 1; i <= 118; i++) {
len = length(names[i])
if (len > max_name_len) {
max_name_len = len;
longestname = names[i]
max_isotope_len = max_name_len + 4 # allow for "_xxx" suffix
if (! show_no_std_atomic_mass) {
if (verbose)
printf("Longest element name: %s (%d)\n\n", longestname, max_name_len)
n_isotopes = 0
mass_number[1] = 0
# begin file processing
# skip JavaScript and HTML before data
NR == 1, $0 ~ /<pre/ { next }
# skip HTML after data
$0 ~ /<\/pre>/ { exit }
# remove trailing space and unpaddable spaces
gsub(/&nbsp;/, "")
gsub(/ +$/, "")
$1 ~ /Atomic Number/ {
last_atomic_number = atomic_number
atomic_number = $2 + 0
if (atomic_number != last_atomic_number && atomic_number > 1) {
if (show_no_std_atomic_mass) {
if (! std_atomic_mass_str)
print names[last_atomic_number]
$1 ~ /Atomic Symbol/ {
atomic_symbol = $2
$1 ~ /Mass Number/ {
if (atomic_number != last_atomic_number) {
for (i = 1; i <= n_isotopes; i++)
delete mass_number[i]
n_isotopes = 0
mass_number[++n_isotopes] = $2
$1 ~ /Relative Atomic Mass/ {
atomic_mass = $2
sub(/\([[:digit:]#]+\)/, "", atomic_mass)
mass[mass_number[n_isotopes]] = atomic_mass
$1 ~ /Isotopic Composition/ {
isotopic_composition = $2
sub(/\([[:digit:]#]+\)/, "", isotopic_composition)
composition[mass_number[n_isotopes]] = isotopic_composition
total_composition += isotopic_composition
$1 ~ /Standard Atomic Weight/ {
std_atomic_mass = std_atomic_mass_str = $2
gsub(/\([^)]+\)/, "", std_atomic_mass)
gsub(/[][]/, "", std_atomic_mass)
if (std_atomic_mass ~ /,/) {
split(std_atomic_mass, range, /,/)
std_atomic_mass = (range[1] + range[2]) / 2
if (std_atomic_mass_str ~ /\[[[:digit:].]+\]/)
most_stable_mass = std_atomic_mass
last_atomic_number = atomic_number
if (show_no_std_atomic_mass) {
if (! std_atomic_mass_str)
print names[last_atomic_number]
} ' $*