blob: 6778081326dcc22f2844ca0bdd8df37db644a392 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <stdbool.h>
// Error handling code
struct eloc
int line;
char *file;
enum error_code
EOK = 0,
/// Expected something but didn't get it. if this is in a
/// safe_state we should probably just re-try.
/// An invalid token was present in the input
/// A structure was malformed
/// The arguments provided were invalid
/// An external resource (say, a file) was not found
/// This is unimplemented
struct error
enum error_code code;
// Is any state safe? I.e. can we continue or must we panic?
bool safe_state;
struct eloc loc;
char *message;
#define E_DEBUG(_e, _m) // edebug(_e, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, _m)
#define E_INIT() \
struct error __error = { 0 };
#define NEARVAL(val) \
__error.loc.line = cons_line(val), \
__error.loc.file = cons_file(val)
#define NEARIS(is) (is)->getpos((is), &__error.loc.line, &__error.loc.file)
#define NEARFL(f, l) __error.loc.line=l, __error.loc.file=f
#define _TRY(expr, m, c) \
{ \
struct error __sub = (expr); \
if (__sub.code) \
{ \
if (!__sub.loc.file || !__sub.loc.line) \
__sub.loc.file = __error.loc.file, \
__sub.loc.line = __error.loc.line; \
if (c) \
__sub.code = c; \
char *__m = m; \
if (__m) \
__sub.message = __m; \
E_DEBUG(__sub, #expr); \
return __sub; \
} \
#define TRY(expr) _TRY(expr, NULL, 0)
#define TRY_ELSE(expr, c, ...) _TRY(expr, ehsprintf(__VA_ARGS__), c)
#define OKAY() return __error
#define THROW(_c, ...) \
{ \
__error.code = (_c); \
__error.message = ehsprintf(__VA_ARGS__); \
E_DEBUG(__error, "throwing"); \
return __error; \
#define THROWSAFE(_c) \
{ \
__error.code = (_c); \
__error.safe_state = true; \
E_DEBUG(__error, "safe"); \
return __error; \
#define IS_OKAY(e) ((e).code == EOK)
#define OKAY_IF(val) \
{ \
struct error __sub_of = (val); \
if (IS_OKAY(__sub_of)) \
OKAY(); \
if (!__sub_of.safe_state) \
TRY(__sub_of); \
#define WARN_UNUSED __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
// error heap string print formatted
// returns a heap-allocated string.
char *ehsprintf(const char *msg, ...);
void ereport(struct error err);
void edebug(struct error err, char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *why);
#define UNUSED(val) (void)(val)