blob: fee5edb67684434a75e0c770c57b12f11a793610 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "alloc.h"
#include "kheap.h"
#include "kint.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "paging.h"
#include "io.h"
extern uint end;
static size_t palloc_base = (size_t)&end;
static size_t malloc_base = (size_t)&end + 0x2000;
#define HEADER_SIZE sizeof(struct heap_alloc_header)
#define FOOTER_SIZE sizeof(struct heap_alloc_footer)
static struct min_heap heap = {0};
void *_kmalloc(size_t size, bool align, void **phys)
if (align && (palloc_base & 0xfff)) // if not yet aligned
palloc_base &= ~0xfff;
palloc_base += 0x1000;
if (phys)
*phys = (void *)palloc_base;
size_t addr = palloc_base;
palloc_base += size;
return (void *)addr;
void *kmalloc(size_t size)
return _kmalloc(size, false, NULL);
void *kmalloc_a(size_t size)
return _kmalloc(size, true, NULL);
void *kmalloc_ap(size_t size, void **p)
return _kmalloc(size, true, p);
// Proper allocators
void init_allocator()
struct heap_alloc_header *h = (struct heap_alloc_header *)malloc_base;
h->allocated = false;
h->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
h->size = 0xC0400000 - malloc_base;
heap.size = 1;
heap.elements[0] = (struct heap_entry){
.key = 0xC0200000 - malloc_base,
.address = malloc_base,
memset((void *)malloc_base, 0, heap.elements[0].key);
void *malloc(size_t size)
bool ok;
size_t full_size = size + HEADER_SIZE + FOOTER_SIZE;
int i;
struct heap_entry e = heap_lookup_min(&heap, full_size, &ok, false, &i);
if (ok)
// Found smallest hole
struct heap_alloc_header *h = (struct heap_alloc_header *)e.address;
"Gap already allocated (this should never happen)");
size_t old_size = h->size;
if (full_size == old_size)
// Completely used, no need to change anything!
heap_delete(&heap, i);
// If there isn't very much space left
size_t new_size = old_size - full_size;
if (new_size <= HEADER_SIZE + FOOTER_SIZE + 8)
full_size = old_size;
heap_delete(&heap, i);
struct heap_alloc_footer *old_f =
(struct heap_alloc_footer *)(e.address + old_size -
// Else create a new header
size_t new_header_addr = e.address + full_size;
struct heap_alloc_header *h =
(struct heap_alloc_header *)new_header_addr;
h->allocated = true;
h->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
h->size = new_size;
old_f->size = new_size;
heap_decrease(&heap, i,
(struct heap_entry){
.key = new_size,
.address = new_header_addr,
struct heap_alloc_footer *f =
(struct heap_alloc_footer *)(e.address + full_size -
h->size = full_size;
f->size = h->size;
return (void *)(e.address + HEADER_SIZE);
// We need more memory :L
kpanic("Whoops, malloc ran out of memory");
void free(void *mem)
// TODO: expand memory
if (!mem)
return; // freeing NULL ptr
struct heap_alloc_header *base =
(struct heap_alloc_header *)((size_t)mem - HEADER_SIZE);
if (base->magic != HEAP_MAGIC)
kpanic("Freeing memory not allocated with malloc()");
base->allocated = false;
// Add entry into heap
struct heap_entry entry =
.key = base->size,
.address = (size_t)base,
heap_insert(&heap, entry);