blob: b61903395bb49aac5769f0df1e85b8bd75b6ee39 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "lisp.h"
#include "plat/plat.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct alloc *first_a = NULL, *last_a = NULL;
value_t nil = 0b00101111; // magic ;)
value_t t = 1 << 3;
unsigned char max_pool = 0, current_pool = 0;
void err(const char *msg)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", msg);
value_t intval(int i)
i <<= 2;
i |= INT_TAG;
return i;
void add_this_alloc(struct alloc *a, int tag)
a->type_tag = tag;
a->pool = current_pool;
if (last_a)
a->prev = last_a;
last_a->next = a;
a->next = NULL;
last_a = a;
a->prev = a->next = NULL;
first_a = last_a = a;
value_t cons(value_t car, value_t cdr)
struct cons_alloc *item = malloc_aligned(sizeof(struct cons_alloc));
struct cons *c = &item->cons;
c->car = car;
c->cdr = cdr;
c->line = 0;
c->name = NULL;
value_t v = (value_t)c;
v |= CONS_TAG;
add_this_alloc(&item->alloc, CONS_TAG);
return v;
void skipws(struct istream *is)
while (isspace(is->peek(is)))
if (is->peek(is) == ';')
while (is->get(is) != '\n')
// Only time I ever use labels is for stuff like this. Compiler would
// probably optimize this if I used recursion but I don't want to
// bother.
goto start;
bool isallowedchar(char c)
return (c >= '#' && c <= '\'') || (c >= '*' && c <= '/') ||
(c >= '>' && c <= '@');
bool issymstart(char c)
return isalpha(c) || isallowedchar(c);
bool issym(char c)
return isalpha(c) || isallowedchar(c) || isdigit(c);
bool readsym(struct istream *is, value_t *val)
if (!issymstart(is->peek(is)))
return false;
int size = 8;
struct alloc *a = malloc_aligned(size + sizeof(struct alloc));
add_this_alloc(a, SYMBOL_TAG);
char *s = (char *)(a + 1);
s[0] = is->get(is);
for (int i = 1;; i++)
if (issym(is->peek(is)))
if (i >= size)
size *= 2;
a = realloc_aligned(a, size + sizeof(struct alloc));
s = (char *)(a + 1);
s[i] = is->get(is);
s[i] = 0;
*val = (value_t)s;
*val |= SYMBOL_TAG;
return true;
bool readstr(struct istream *is, value_t *val)
if (is->peek(is) != '"')
return false;
bool escape = false;
int size = 8;
struct alloc *a = malloc_aligned(size + sizeof(struct alloc));
add_this_alloc(a, STRING_TAG);
char *s = (char *)(a + 1);
for (int i = 0;; i++)
if (is->peek(is) != '"')
if (i >= size)
size *= 2;
a = realloc_aligned(a, size + sizeof(struct alloc));
s = (char *)(a + 1);
char c = is->get(is);
if (escape && c == 'n')
c = '\n';
else if (escape && c == '\\')
c = '\\';
if (c == '\\' && !escape)
escape = true;
i--; // will be incremented again, UGLY.
escape = false;
s[i] = c;
*val = (value_t)s;
*val |= STRING_TAG;
return true;
void printval(value_t v, int depth)
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
printf(" ");
if (symbolp(v))
printf("'%s\n", (char *)(v ^ SYMBOL_TAG));
else if (stringp(v))
printf("\"%s\"\n", (char *)(v ^ STRING_TAG));
else if (integerp(v))
printf("%d\n", v >> 2);
else if (consp(v))
if (listp(v))
for (value_t n = v; !nilp(n); n = cdr(n))
printval(car(n), depth + 1);
printval(car(v), depth + 1);
printval(cdr(v), depth + 1);
else if (nilp(v))
else if (closurep(v))
struct closure *c = (void *)(v ^ CLOSURE_TAG);
printf("closure %p taking %d argument(s) and capturing %d value(s)\n",
c->function, c->num_args, c->num_captured);
printf("<unknown %d>\n", v);
bool readlist(struct istream *is, value_t *val)
if (is->peek(is) != '(')
return false;
*val = readn(is);
if (is->peek(is) != ')')
is->showpos(is, stderr);
err("Unterminated list");
return false;
return true;
bool readint(struct istream *is, value_t *val)
int number = 0;
if (!isdigit(is->peek(is)))
return false;
while (isdigit(is->peek(is)))
number *= 10;
number += is->get(is) - '0';
*val = intval(number);
return true;
bool readquote(struct istream *is, value_t *val)
char c = is->peek(is);
if (c == '\'' || c == '`' || c == ',')
if (c == '`' && is->peek(is) == '@')
// This is actually a splice
c = '@';
// Read the next form and wrap it in the appropriate function
value_t wrapped;
bool has_next = read1(is, &wrapped);
if (!has_next)
fprintf(stderr, "Expected a form after reader macro char %c\n", c);
is->showpos(is, stderr);
err("Invalid reader macro");
return false;
value_t symbol = nil;
switch (c)
case '\'':
symbol = symval("quote");
case '`':
symbol = symval("backquote");
case ',':
symbol = symval("unquote");
case '@':
symbol = symval("unquote-splice");
*val = cons(symbol, cons(wrapped, nil));
return true;
return false;
bool read1(struct istream *is, value_t *val)
// This could all be one big short-circuiting || but that is ugly.
if (readquote(is, val))
return true;
if (readsym(is, val))
return true;
if (readstr(is, val))
return true;
if (readint(is, val))
return true;
if (readlist(is, val))
return true;
return false;
void set_cons_info(value_t cons, int line, char *name)
if (!consp(cons))
struct cons *ca = (void *)(cons ^ CONS_TAG);
ca->line = line;
ca->name = name;
value_t readn(struct istream *is)
value_t first = nil;
value_t *last = &first;
value_t read_val;
while (read1(is, &read_val))
int line;
char *file;
is->getpos(is, &line, &file);
*last = cons(read_val, nil);
set_cons_info(*last, line, file);
last = cdrref(*last);
return first;
bool startswith(struct istream *s, char *pattern)
char *check = strdup(pattern);
s->read(s, check, strlen(pattern));
bool res = strcmp(check, pattern) == 0;
return res;
static value_t strptrval(char *str, int tag)
value_t v;
struct alloc *al = malloc_aligned(strlen(str) + 1 + sizeof(struct alloc));
add_this_alloc(al, SYMBOL_TAG);
char *a = (char *)(al + 1);
strcpy(a, str);
v = (value_t)a;
v |= tag;
return v;
value_t strval(char *str)
return strptrval(str, STRING_TAG);
value_t symval(char *str)
return strptrval(str, SYMBOL_TAG);
bool integerp(value_t v)
return (v & INT_MASK) == INT_TAG;
bool symbolp(value_t v)
return (v & HEAP_MASK) == SYMBOL_TAG;
bool stringp(value_t v)
return (v & HEAP_MASK) == STRING_TAG;
bool consp(value_t v)
return (v & HEAP_MASK) == CONS_TAG;
bool heapp(value_t v)
return consp(v) || stringp(v) || symbolp(v) || closurep(v);
bool closurep(value_t v)
return (v & HEAP_MASK) == CLOSURE_TAG;
bool listp(value_t v)
value_t next = v;
while (consp(next))
next = cdr(next);
return nilp(next);
value_t car(value_t v)
if (!consp(v))
return nil;
return *carref(v);
value_t cdr(value_t v)
if (!consp(v))
return nil;
return *cdrref(v);
value_t *carref(value_t v)
if (!consp(v))
return NULL;
struct cons *c = (void *)(v ^ CONS_TAG);
return &c->car;
value_t *cdrref(value_t v)
if (!consp(v))
return NULL;
struct cons *c = (void *)(v ^ CONS_TAG);
return &c->cdr;
bool nilp(value_t v)
return v == nil;
int length(value_t v)
int i = 0;
for (; !nilp(v); v = cdr(v))
return i;
value_t elt(value_t v, int index)
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
v = cdr(v);
return car(v);
bool symstreq(value_t sym, char *str)
if ((sym & HEAP_MASK) != SYMBOL_TAG)
return false;
return strcmp((char *)(sym ^ SYMBOL_TAG), str) == 0;
unsigned char make_pool()
return ++max_pool;
unsigned char push_pool(unsigned char pool)
unsigned char old = current_pool;
current_pool = pool;
return old;
void pop_pool(unsigned char pool)
current_pool = pool;
bool pool_alive(unsigned char pool)
return pool != 0;
int cons_line(value_t val)
if (!consp(val))
return 0;
struct cons *c = (void *)(val ^ CONS_TAG);
return c->line;
char *cons_file(value_t val)
if (!consp(val))
return NULL;
struct cons *c = (void *)(val ^ CONS_TAG);
return c->name;
value_t create_closure(void *code, int nargs, int ncaptures)
struct closure_alloc *ca = malloc_aligned(sizeof(struct closure_alloc) +
ncaptures * sizeof(value_t));
ca->closure.function = code;
ca->closure.num_args = nargs;
ca->closure.num_captured = ncaptures;
add_this_alloc(&ca->alloc, CLOSURE_TAG);
return (value_t)(&ca->closure) | CLOSURE_TAG;
void set_closure_capture_variable(int index, value_t value, value_t closure)
if (!closurep(closure))
struct closure *c = (void *)(closure ^ CLOSURE_TAG);
c->data[index] = value;