blob: f3d01dba0c740e50e895a7c341d6644330205157 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "gc.h"
#include "lisp.h"
value_t *gc_base;
void __attribute__((noinline)) gc_set_base_here()
// Move the current stack top address to gc_base. This works nicely because
// it means that when another (presumably lisp) function is called right
// after this, the stack top for it will be the same as for this function.
asm("movl %%esp, %0" : "=g"(gc_base));
void _mark(value_t value)
if (heapp(value))
void _sweep()
void _do_gc(unsigned int esp, unsigned int ebp)
value_t *esp_p = (value_t *)esp,
*ebp_p = (value_t *)ebp;
int num_marked = 0;
// For every stack frame until the base of the stack
while (esp_p < gc_base)
// Walk up the stack until we reach either the frame pointer or the base
// of the stack. Basically walk to the top of this function's stack
// frame.
for (; esp_p < ebp_p && esp_p < gc_base; esp_p++)
// Set the frame pointer to the frame pointer on the stack
ebp_p = (value_t *)*esp_p;
// Step up two stack slots, one for the frame pointer and one for the
// return address.
esp_p += 2;
fprintf(stderr, "Marked %d\n", num_marked);