blob: 382623810e94b7304f872ad92e325d25a287c1af [file] [log] [blame]
Building Bluejay
Bluejay uses the home-grown ``Jmk`` build system, which is basically just a GNU
m4 script that generates makefiles from ``Jmk`` files --- makefiles with some
custom macros.
To build a fresh clone of Bluejay the first thing you will need to do is run
``bin/jmk`` to generate your makefiles for you. You should get some output like
.. code-block::
Processing ./boot/initrd/Jmk
Processing ./src/kernel/dri/ata_pio/Jmk
Processing ./src/kernel/dri/ahci/Jmk
Processing ./src/kernel/dri/pci/Jmk
Processing ./src/kernel/Jmk
Processing ./src/mkinitrd/Jmk
Processing ./src/lisp/Jmk
Then just build using ``src/kernel/Makefile``. There are a few additional
targets for your convenience:
- ``qemu`` builds and launches the kernel using QEMU's SeaBIOS
- ``qemu-iso`` builds a GRUB ISO and launches using QEMU
- ``install`` builds a GRUB ISO and installs it to ``boot/bluejay.iso``
- ``debug`` launches kernel in QEMU and launches GDB in the terminal.
- ``debug-wait`` launches kernel in QEMU and starts a GDB server on ``localhost:1234``.
This is recommended if you want to debug since you can connect to it from vscode or
any other IDE. ``.vscode/launch.json`` is set up to work with this so you can debug
the kernel very easily.
In order to build Bluejay you will need the following dependencies::
gcc gcc-multilib nasm qemu-system-i386 make m4 python3 awk
There are some additional dependencies for building a GRUB ISO but I don't
remember them at the time of writing.