blob: 62f1b69cc95eb8cc67f9e2254aa0adefe5af1aff [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "lisp.h"
#include <dasm_proto.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
enum namespace
/// A function
/// A macro
/// An anonymous function (a lambda/closure)
struct args *new_args();
struct args *add_optional_arg(struct args *args, value_t name,
value_t expression);
* @returns if `number` is an acceptable number of arguments for `args`.
bool are_args_acceptable(struct args *args, int number);
struct function
char *name;
struct args *args;
enum namespace namespace;
union {
value_t (*def0)();
value_t (*def1)(value_t);
value_t (*def2)(value_t, value_t);
value_t (*def3)(value_t, value_t, value_t);
void *code_ptr;
uintptr_t code_addr;
struct function *prev;
struct loaded_file
char *resolved_path;
struct loaded_file *previous;
struct environment
struct function *first;
struct loaded_file *first_loaded;
enum var_type
V_BOUND, // Bound local variable
V_ARGUMENT, // Bound function argument
V_GLOBAL, // Global variable
V_FREE // Free (lexical) variable
struct variable
char *name;
uintptr_t number;
enum var_type type;
struct variable *prev;
/// Local environment
struct local
/// Parent environment, NULL if none (root).
struct local *parent;
/// Name that the current function should be referred to by, e.g. `recurse`
/// for a lambda.
char *current_function_name;
/// Path to the current file
char *current_file_path;
int num_vars;
struct args *args;
/// Most recently defined variable
struct variable *first;
int npc;
int nextpc;
bool *stack_slots;
/// Number of slots allocated in `stack_slots`
int num_stack_slots;
/// Number of entries used in `stack_slots`
int num_stack_entries;
/// Number of closure slots total (allocated as V_FREE variables)
int num_closure_slots;
* Parse a list of arguments to an args object and add them as V_ARGUMENT
* variables to `local`. The list should be in the same format as is accepted by
* `defun`, `defmacro`, `lambda`, etc.
* @returns NULL if the list is malformed.
struct error list_to_args(struct environment *env, value_t list,
struct local *local, struct args **args);
* Print out `args` to stdout. Useful for debugging.
void display_args(struct args *args);
struct error compile_expression(struct environment *env, struct local *local,
value_t val, bool tail, dasm_State **Dst) WARN_UNUSED;
* Compile a function
* @param args The function args and body, e.g. `((b c) d)`
* @param namespace The function namespace.
* @param env The environment.
* @param local_out The local environment generated for this function will be
* returned here. NULL if you do not care about it being returned (you probably
* should since you need to free the stack slot allocation map).
* @param local_parent Parent local environment, only needed for closures. NULL
* if no parent.
* @param args An object representing the arguments this function accepts will
* be returned here. Set this to NULL if you don't care.
* @returns The compiled function state. You should probably give this to
* `add_function` or something similar.
struct error compile_function(value_t args, enum namespace namespace,
struct environment *env,
struct local *local_out,
struct local *local_parent,
struct args **ar, char *name, char *path,
dasm_State **s) WARN_UNUSED;
struct error compile_variable(struct variable *v, dasm_State *Dst) WARN_UNUSED;
* Compile a backquoted expression
struct error compile_backquote(struct environment *env, struct local *local,
value_t val, dasm_State **Dst) WARN_UNUSED;
int nextpc(struct local *local, dasm_State **Dst);
// Local utilities
unsigned int local_alloc(struct local *local);
void local_free(struct local *local, unsigned int slot);
* Deletes the memory allocated in `local`. Does not actually call
* `free()` on `local` itself, but frees the variables and stack slots
* associated with it. Also does NOT free `local->args`. You must do
* that yourself if you want. This is because these arguments are
* often used in multiple places.
void del_local(struct local *local);
* Deletes the memory allocated in `env`. Does not actually call `free()` on
* `env` itself.
void del_env(struct environment *env);
* Walk `body` and reserve space in `local` for any variable declarations.
struct error walk_and_alloc(struct environment *env, struct local *local, value_t *body, bool quoted);
* Compile a top level definition
* @param fname The path to the current file.
* @param val The expression to compile.
struct error compile_tl(value_t val, struct environment *env, char *fname) WARN_UNUSED;
* Compile a file in a new environment.
* @param filename The path to the file.
* @param ok Set to `true` if loading succeeds, `false` otherwise. If `ok` is
* NULL it is ignored.
* @returns The environment for the compiled file, or an empty environment if
* `ok` was set to `false` (i.e. the file could not be compiled).
struct error compile_file(char *filename, struct environment **env) WARN_UNUSED;
struct function *find_function(struct environment *env, char *name);
struct variable *add_variable(struct local *local, enum var_type type,
char *name, int number);
* Find a variable in `local` with name `name`.
* @returns The variable, NULL if not found.
struct variable *find_variable(struct local *local, char *name);
void destroy_local(struct local *local);
* Like `apply` in lisp, calls func with list args and returns the result.
value_t call_list(struct function *func, value_t list);
value_t call_list_closure(struct closure *c, value_t list);
* Load a lisp file into the current environment.
* @returns `true` if succesful, `false` otherwise.
bool load(struct environment *env, char *path);
* Load a file relative to another file.
* @param to The file to load relative to.
* @param name The name or relative path of the file to load.
* @param env The environment to load in.
value_t load_relative(struct environment *env, char *to, value_t name);
* Mark a file `path` as loaded in the environment. `path` will be expanded with
* `readlink`. You can pass a temporary string here, memory will be allocated by
* this function as needed.
void add_load(struct environment *env, char *path);