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\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
\title{Bluejay Lisp Reference}
\date{Development Version: \today}
\newcommand{\more}{ \ldots}
\newcommand{\super}[1]{\text{$ ^{#1} $}}
\type{function-object} that captures certain variables from its
defining context}}
\newglossaryentry{lexical-scope}{name={lexical scope},description={A
method of scoping where the values in scope at a given time are
determined by the static content of the source program, not by the
state of the callstack or other execution details. This allows for
example closures to \gls{closure}s to capture some of the state of
their defining context}}
\newglossaryentry{truthy}{name={truthy},description={A value that is
not \nil}}
This document provides a brief reference to the Bluejay Lisp language
and standard library. It documents every currently valid function,
macro, reader macro, and special form supported by the compiler.
The following text styles and symbols are used within this document to
indicate particular values or meanings:
\begin{tabular}[t]{p{0.2\linewidth} p{0.64\linewidth}}
\func{cons} & A function ``cons.'' \\
\const{\plus{}foo\plus} & A constant ``\plus{}foo\plus.'' \\
\var{\earmuff{}bar\earmuff} & A global variable ``\earmuff{}bar\earmuff''. \\
\reader{baz} & A reader macro ``baz.'' \\
\mac{quux} & A macro ``quux.'' \\
\param{parameter} & A function argument ``parameter'' \\
\opt{var}{123} & An optional function argument ``var'' with the default value ``123.'' \\
\param{args}\more & ``args'' represents the rest of the items in the list. \\
\mut{\param{mut}} & A function argument ``mut'' that might be mutated. \\
\mighteval{\param{maybe}} & ``maybe'' may or may not be evaluated. \\
\ret{value} & Indicates that a form will evaluate to ``value''. \\
\type{integer} & The type ``integer''. \\
\optlist{\text{a}\\\text{b}} & One of ``a'' or ``b.''
\subsection{Type Predicates}
\func{nilp} \text{ or } \func{not} \\
\func{closurep} \text{ or } \func{functionp} \\
\func{integerp} \\
\func{consp} \\
} \param{value})\index{nilp}\index{not}
\ret{\T} if \param{value} is of the specified type, \ret{\nil}
\subsection{Definitions and Variables}
(\mac{defun} \param{name} (\param{args}\more) \param{body}\more)\index{defun} \\
(\mac{defmacro} \param{name} (\param{args}\more) \param{body}\more)\index{defmacro}
Define a function or macro respectively, taking \param{args}
arguments and evaluating \param{body} in turn, finally evaluating to
\ret{the final entry in \param{body}} or \ret{\nil} if \param{body}
is empty.
(\mac{let1} (\param{variable} \param{form}) \param{body}\more)\index{let1} \\
(\mac{let} ((\param{variable} \param{form})\more) \param{body}\more)\index{let}
First evaluate \param{form}, binding it to \param{variable}. Then
evaluate \param{body}, finally evaluating to \ret{the final entry in
\param{body}} or \ret{\nil} if \param{body} is
empty. \param{variable} is no longer in scope after this form ends.
\mac{let} is similar to \mac{let*} in other lisps, later variables
can reference previous ones.
(\mac{flet1} (\param{name} (\param{args}\more) \param{body}\more)) \\
(\mac{flet} ((\param{name} (\param{args}\more)\more) \param{body}\more))
Like \mac{let} and \mac{let1} but creates a lambda. Unlike other
lisps the defined function remains in the variable namespace as a
\reader{\textquotesingle}\param{value} \\
(\mac{quote} \param{value})\index{quote}
\ret{Return \param{value}} as-is, without evaluating it.
\reader{\`}\param{value} \\
(\mac{backquote} \param{value})\index{backquote}\index{\`}
Return \ret{\param{value}} as-is, except for any \mac{unquote}
and \mac{unquote-splice} forms (and their reader-macro equivalents).
\reader{,}\param{value} \\
(\mac{unquote} \param{value}) \\
\reader{,\texttt{@}}\param{value} \\
(\mac{unquote-splice} \param{value})
In the context of a \mac{backquote}, evaluate \param{value} instead of
using it as-is. \mac{unquote-splice} and \reader{,\texttt{@}} take a
list as their argument, and ``splice'' each element in to
the \mac{backquote} list so that each element of that argument corresponds
to an element of the \mac{backquote} list.
The other two macros insert their argument as a single element in the list.
\subsection{Control Flow}
(\mac{if} \param{predicate} \param{then} \opt{otherwise}{nil})\index{if} \\
(\mac{when} \param{predicate} \param{then\more})\index{when} \\
(\mac{unless} \param{predicate} \param{otherwise\more})\index{unless}
First evaluate \param{predicate}. If it is \gls{truthy} evaluate and
return \ret{\param{then}}, otherwise \ret{\param{otherwise}}. If
either is not provided return \ret{\nil}.
(\mac{progn} \opt{forms\more}{nil})\index{progn}
Evaluate \param{forms} from first to last, finally returning
\ret{the last form}.
(\mac{and} \param{first} \param{\mighteval{rest}}\more)\index{and} \\
(\mac{or} \param{first} \param{\mighteval{rest}}\more)\index{or}
Short circuiting $\land$ and $\lor$, respectively. Return the first
value that is \nil{} or truthy, respectively, or the last value if
all are truthy/\nil{}.
(\func{$+$} \param{a b})\index{+} \\
(\func{$-$} \param{a b})\index{-} \\
(\func{$*$} \param{a b})\index{*} \\
(\func{$/$} \param{a b})\index{/}
The \ret{sum, difference, product, or quotient} of \param{a} and
\param{b} as an \type{integer}.
(\func{=} \param{a b})
\ret{\T} if \param{a} and \param{b} hold the same \type{integer}
value, \ret{\nil} otherwise.
\section{Function Manipulation}
(\func{funcall} \param{args}\more)\index{funcall} \\
(\func{apply} \param{function} \param{args})\index{apply}
Call the \type{closure} or \type{function-object} \param{function}
with \param{args} and evaluate to \ret{its result}. An error occurs
if \param{args} are not acceptable.
(\func{recurse} \param{args}\more)\index{recurse}
In a lambda definition, call the current lambda with \param{args}.
(\mac{function} \param{function-name})\index{function} \\
Create a \ret{\type{function-object} from an existing function or
macro}. \param{function} must be a symbol literal at compile time.
(\func{lambda} (\param{args}\more) \param{body}\more)\index{lambda}
Create a \ret{lexically-scoped \type{\gls{closure}}} taking
\param{args} and evaluating to \param{body}.
(\func{eval} \param{form})\index{eval}
Evaluate and return \ret{\param{form}} in the current global
environment. The evaluated form does not use \gls{lexical-scope}.
\subsection{Creating Lists}
(\func{cons} \param{a} \param{b})\index{cons}
Join \param{a} and \param{b} into a \ret{\type{cons} pair}.
(\func{list} \param{values}\more)\index{list}
Construct a \ret{\type{cons}-list of \param{values}}.
\subsection{Deconstructing Lists}
(\func{length} \param{list})\index{list}
Return the \ret{length of \param{list}} if it is a \type{cons}-list,
\nil{} otherwise.
(\func{car} \param{pair})\index{car} \\
(\func{cdr} \param{pair})\index{cdr}
Return the \ret{first or second item} of \type{cons} \param{pair},
} \param{val})
Behave like a combination of \func{car} and \func{cdr} would.
(\func{elt} \param{list} \param{n})\index{elt}
Return the \ret{\param{n}\super{th} element of \param{list}},
starting from 0, or \ret{\nil} if \param{n} $ \ge $ (\func{length}
\param{list}) or \param{list} is not a \type{cons}-list or \param{n}
is not an \type{integer}.
\subsection{Operating on Lists}
(\func{mapcar} \param{fun} \param{list})\index{mapcar}
Apply \param{fun} to each element of \param{list}, returning a
\ret{new \type{cons}-list} containing the results of the respective
applications of \param{fun}.
\param{predicate} \param{list})\index{remove-if}\index{remove-if-not}
Return a \ret{new \type{cons}-list} of all the items of \param{list}
that either do not or do satisfy \param{predicate}, respectively.
(\func{reduce} \param{fun} \param{list} \opt{initial-value}{\nil})
Apply \param{fun} to two arguments at a time, starting with
\param{initial-value} and (\func{car} \param{list}) and continuing
with the result of the previous invocation and the successive
element of \param{list}. Return \ret{the result of the final
invocation}, or \ret{\param{initial-value}} if \param{list} is
\section{Input \& Output}
(\func{print} \param{value})\index{print}
Print \param{value} to standard output. Return \ret{\nil}.
Read and return an \ret{S-expression} from standard input
\subsection{Loading Programs}
The current file being compiled, or \nil{} if not compiling a file.
(\func{load} \param{lisp-file})\index{load}
Load and evaluate \type{string} \param{lisp-file} as a local path
relative to the current file, or the current working directory if
not compiling a file. Return \ret{\nil}.
\section{Inspecting \& Modifying the Environment}
\subsection{Managing Memory}
Run the garbage collector.
Return some
statistics about the garbage collector, in the form of a list:
\ret{(\param{total-allocs} \param{gc-runs})}, where
\param{total-allocs} is the current number of active allocations,
and \param{gc-runs} is the total number of times the garbage
collector has been run.
\definition{ \const{\pluses{current-env}} }{ An opaque object
representing the current environment. }
(\func{env-functions} \param{current-env})
Returns a
list of symbols, each of which is the name of a function defined in
the environment specified by \param{current-env}.