blob: 92979c4f88f6d8acda5b6f05e0f432c83e4641f2 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "Evaluator.h"
#include "Function.h"
#include "Matcher.h"
#include "VarContext.h"
#include "PPrint.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QCoreApplication>
RuntimeResult::RuntimeResult(QList<Token> result)
_result = result;
RuntimeResult::RuntimeResult(QString message)
_errorMessage = message;
_success = false;
RuntimeResult &RuntimeResult::operator =(const RuntimeResult &other)
_errorMessage = other._errorMessage;
_success = other._success;
_result = other._result;
return *this;
RuntimeResult RuntimeResult::operator +(const RuntimeResult &other)
RuntimeResult res;
if (_success)
res._success = other._success;
res._result = _result;
res._errorMessage = other._errorMessage;
res = *this;
return res;
RuntimeResult &RuntimeResult::operator +=(const RuntimeResult &other)
*this = *this + other;
return *this;
bool RuntimeResult::success() const
return _success;
QString RuntimeResult::message() const
return _errorMessage;
QList<Token> RuntimeResult::result() const
return _result;
RuntimeResult::operator QString() const
return _errorMessage + pprint(_result);
Function buryFn("Br");
buryFn.addNativeSentence("s.Name '=' e.Expr", [this](VarContext args)
Token name = args.singleVar("Name");
if (name.type() != Token::IDENT)
rtError("Invalid argument", "First argument to <Br> must be an identifier, received " + pprint(name));
bury(, args.expressionVar("Expr"));
return QList<Token>();
Function digFn("Dg");
digFn.addNativeSentence("s.Name", [this](VarContext args)
Token name = args.singleVar("Name");
if (name.type() != Token::IDENT)
rtError("Invalid argument", "First argument to <Dg> must be an identifier, received " + pprint(name));
return dig(;
Function copyFn("Cp");
copyFn.addNativeSentence("s.Name", [this](VarContext args)
Token name = args.singleVar("Name");
if (name.type() != Token::IDENT)
rtError("Invalid argument", "First argument to <Cp> must be an identifier, received " + pprint(name));
return copy(;
Function undefFn("Undef");
undefFn.addNativeSentence("s.Name", [this](VarContext args)
Token name = args.singleVar("Name");
if (name.type() != Token::IDENT)
rtError("Invalid argument", "First argument to <Undef> must be an identifier, received " + pprint(name));
return QList<Token>();
void Evaluator::addFunction(Function func)
_functions[] = func;
void Evaluator::clearFunction(QString name)
RuntimeResult Evaluator::evaluate(AstNode node, VarContext ctx, int recursionDepth)
if (recursionDepth > _recursionLimit)
throw StackOverflowException(node);
if (node.isSym())
return RuntimeResult(QList<Token>{Token(node.symbol())});
else if (node.isIdent())
return RuntimeResult(QList<Token>{Token(});
else if (node.isInteger())
return RuntimeResult(QList<Token>{Token::fromInteger(node.integer())});
else if (node.isVar())
if (!ctx.exists( || ctx.exists( != node.symbol())
return RuntimeResult("Variable " + node + " is not defined");
if (node.symbol() == 'e')
return RuntimeResult(ctx.expressionVar(;
return RuntimeResult(QList<Token>{
else if (node.isParen())
QList<Token> result;
for (const AstNode &n : node.parenContent())
RuntimeResult internalResult = evaluate(n, ctx);
if (!internalResult.success())
return internalResult;
return RuntimeResult(QList<Token>{
else if (node.isFunc())
QList<Token> args;
for (const AstNode &arg : node.funcArgs())
RuntimeResult internalResult = evaluate(arg, ctx, recursionDepth + 1);
if (!internalResult.success())
return internalResult;
return callFunction(, args, recursionDepth + 1);
return RuntimeResult("#TYPE_ERROR");
RuntimeResult Evaluator::callFunction(QString name, QList<Token> args, int recursionDepth)
if (!_functions.contains(name))
return RuntimeResult("Function " + name + " is not defined.");
Function func = _functions[name];
for (const Sentence &sentence : func.sentences())
MatchResult res = match(args, sentence.pattern(), VarContext());
if (!res.success)
if (sentence.isExternal())
return RuntimeResult(sentence.externResult(res));
QList<Token> final;
for (const AstNode &node : sentence.result())
RuntimeResult argRes = evaluate(node, res.context, recursionDepth);
if (!argRes.success())
return argRes;
return RuntimeResult(final);
return RuntimeResult("Function " + name + " had no matching sentences for input");
void Evaluator::quit()
throw EvalQuitException();
void Evaluator::reset()
_vars = {};
_functions = {};
_shouldContinue = true;
QList<Token> Evaluator::dig(QString name)
if (_vars.contains(name))
QList<Token> value = _vars[name].pop();
if (_vars[name].empty())
return value;
return {};
QList<Token> Evaluator::copy(QString name)
if (_vars.contains(name))
return _vars[name].last();
return {};
void Evaluator::bury(QString name, QList<Token> expression)
if (!_vars.contains(name))
_vars[name] = QStack<QList<Token>>();
void rtError(QString brief, QString details)
throw AssertionException(brief + "\n" + details);
void EvalQuitException::raise() const
throw *this;
EvalQuitException *EvalQuitException::clone() const
return new EvalQuitException(*this);
StackOverflowException::StackOverflowException(AstNode failedAt)
: QException()
_failedAt = failedAt;
AstNode StackOverflowException::failedAt() const
return _failedAt;
void StackOverflowException::raise() const
throw *this;
StackOverflowException *StackOverflowException::clone() const
return new StackOverflowException(*this);
StackOverflowException::operator QString() const
return "StackOverflowException: at " + pprint(_failedAt);
AssertionException::AssertionException(QString message)
: QException()
_message = message;
QString AssertionException::message() const
return _message;
void AssertionException::raise() const
throw *this;
AssertionException *AssertionException::clone() const
return new AssertionException(*this);
AssertionException::operator QString() const
return "AssertionException: " + _message;