Add disassembler
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0d1121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git "a/.~lock.6502.csv\043" "b/.~lock.6502.csv\043"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66010a7
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/.~lock.6502.csv\043"
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+,ch,lk,28.07.2020 15:28,file:///home/ch/.config/libreoffice/4;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/6502.csv b/6502.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce8ec0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/6502.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+opcode,mnemonic,addressing mode,bytes,cycles,flags
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c4167f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
+project(6502 VERSION 0.1.0 LANGUAGES C)
+	add_custom_command(
+		OUTPUT instructions.h
+		DEPENDS csv2h.awk 6502.csv
+		COMMAND awk -f csv2h.awk 6502.csv > instructions.h
+add_executable(emu-6502 main.c cpu.c cpu.h instructions.h)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11e1de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# 6502 Toolchain
+This project aims to create a portable toolchain for developing,
+testing and debugging programs for the 6502 processor. An assembler
+may be implemented in the future but no work has been done on that
+The `instructions.h` header is generated from `6502.csv` and contains
+definitions of every 6502 opcode, its mnemonic and addressing mode.
+It is built automatically by cmake. 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cpu.c b/cpu.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0d7d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu.c
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#include "cpu.h"
+#include "instructions.h"
+#include <endian.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define die(m, ...) \
+	printf("\033[31mError: " m "\033[0m\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
+	exit(1);
+cpu_t new_cpu()
+	cpu_t cpu = { 0 };
+	cpu.regs[SR] = UNUSED; // unused flag always set
+	cpu.regs[SP] = 0xFD; // stack at is 0x100 + SP
+	cpu.pc = 0; // arbitrary program counter start
+	cpu.mem = malloc(0xFFFF);
+	memset(cpu.mem, 0, 0xFFFF);
+	if (!cpu.mem)
+	{
+		die("Could not allocate memory for CPU");
+	}
+	return cpu;
+void free_cpu(cpu_t *cpu)
+	free(cpu->mem);
+void execute(cpu_t *cpu, const char *mnemonic, uint8_t op, uint16_t addr)
+uint16_t le_to_native(uint8_t a, uint8_t b)
+	return a << 8 | b;
+	return b << 8 | a;
+uint16_t fetch_le(cpu_t *cpu)
+	uint8_t a = cpu->mem[cpu->pc++];
+	uint8_t b = cpu->mem[cpu->pc++];
+	return le_to_native(a, b);
+uint16_t fetch_addr(cpu_t *cpu, uint8_t am)
+	switch (am)
+	{
+		case AM_ACC:
+		case AM_IMP:
+			return 0;
+		// In both cases return immediate 8 bit value
+		case AM_IMM:
+		case AM_ZP:
+			return cpu->mem[cpu->pc++];
+		case AM_ABS:
+			return fetch_le(cpu); 
+		case AM_REL:
+		{
+			// PC should point to the opcode
+			// braces needed to avoid c stupidity
+			uint16_t pc = cpu->pc - 1;
+			return cpu->mem[cpu->pc++] + pc;
+		}
+		case AM_IND:
+		{
+			uint16_t addr = fetch_le(cpu);
+			uint8_t low = cpu->mem[addr],
+				high = cpu->mem[addr + 1];
+			return le_to_native(low, high);
+		}
+		case AM_AX:
+			return fetch_le(cpu) + cpu->regs[X];
+		case AM_AY:
+			return fetch_le(cpu) + cpu->regs[Y];
+		case AM_ZPX:
+			return cpu->mem[cpu->pc++] + cpu->regs[X];
+		case AM_ZPY:
+			return cpu->mem[cpu->pc++] + cpu->regs[Y];
+		case AM_ZIX:
+		{
+			uint8_t zp = cpu->mem[cpu->pc++];
+			return le_to_native(cpu->mem[zp + cpu->regs[X]], cpu->mem[zp + cpu->regs[X] + 1]);
+		}
+		case AM_ZIY:
+		{
+			uint8_t zp = cpu->mem[cpu->pc++];
+			uint16_t base = le_to_native(cpu->mem[zp], cpu->mem[zp + 1]);
+			return base + cpu->regs[Y];
+		}
+		default:
+			die("Unknown address mode %x", am);
+			return -1; // unreachable
+	}
+void step(cpu_t *cpu)
+	switch (cpu->mem[cpu->pc++])
+	{
+#define INST(mn, am, op) \
+		case op: \
+			execute(cpu, #mn, mn, fetch_addr(cpu, am)); \
+			break;
+#undef INST
+		default:
+			die("Undefined opcode");
+	}
+void dump_inst(cpu_t *cpu, const char *mn, uint16_t addr, uint8_t am)
+	printf("\t%s\t", mn);
+	switch (am)
+	{
+		case AM_IMM:
+			printf("#");
+		case AM_REL:
+		case AM_ABS:
+		case AM_ZP:
+			printf("$%x", addr);
+			break;
+		case AM_IND:
+			printf("($%x)", addr);
+			break;
+		case AM_AX:
+		case AM_ZPX:
+			printf("$%x, X", addr);
+			break;
+		case AM_AY:
+		case AM_ZPY:
+			printf("$%x, Y", addr);
+			break;
+		case AM_ZIX:
+			printf("($%x, X)", addr);
+			break;
+		case AM_ZIY:
+			printf("($%x), Y", addr);
+			break;
+	}
+	printf("\n");
+void disas_step(cpu_t *cpu)
+	printf("%x", cpu->pc);
+	uint8_t op = cpu->mem[cpu->pc++];
+	switch (op)
+	{
+#define INST(mn, am, op) \
+		case op: \
+			dump_inst(cpu, #mn, fetch_addr(cpu, am), am); \
+			break;
+#undef INST
+		default:
+			die("Undefined opcode %x", op);
+	}
+void disas(cpu_t *cpu)
+	while (cpu->pc < 0xFFFF)
+	{
+		disas_step(cpu);
+	}
diff --git a/cpu.h b/cpu.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe6c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <stdint.h>
+enum // Registers
+	A, X, Y, SR, SP
+enum // Flags
+	CARRY	= 1 << 0,
+	ZERO	= 1 << 1,
+	NO_INT	= 1 << 2,
+	DECIMAL	= 1 << 3,
+	BREAK	= 1 << 4,
+	UNUSED	= 1 << 5,
+	OVERFLW	= 1 << 6,
+	NEGATIV	= 1 << 7,
+enum // Address Modes
+	AM_ACC,	// Accumulator implied as operand
+	AM_IMP,	// Implied operand
+	AM_IMM,	// Immediate operand (8 bit)
+	AM_ABS,	// Absolute operand (16 bit)
+	AM_ZP,	// Zero-page operand
+	AM_REL,	// Relative operand (signed 8 bit)
+	AM_IND,	// Absolute indirect operand (16 bit address of 16 bit address)
+	AM_AX,	// Absolute indexed with X
+	AM_AY,	// Absolute indexed with Y
+	AM_ZPX,	// Zero-page indexed with X
+	AM_ZPY,	// Zero-page indexed with Y
+	AM_ZIX,	// Zero-page indexed indirect (zp,x)
+	AM_ZIY,	// Zero-page indirect indexed (zp),y
+enum // Opcodes
+	LDA,
+	LDX,
+	LDY,
+	STA,
+	STX,
+	STY,
+	ADC,
+	SBC,
+	INC,
+	INX,
+	INY,
+	DEC,
+	DEX,
+	DEY,
+	ASL,
+	LSR,
+	ROL,
+	ROR,
+	AND,
+	ORA,
+	EOR,
+	CMP,
+	CPX,
+	CPY,
+	BIT,
+	BCC,
+	BCS,
+	BNE,
+	BEQ,
+	BPL,
+	BMI,
+	BVC,
+	BVS,
+	TAX,
+	TXA,
+	TAY,
+	TYA,
+	TSX,
+	TXS,
+	PHA,
+	PLA,
+	PHP,
+	PLP,
+	JMP,
+	JSR,
+	RTS,
+	RTI,
+	CLC,
+	SEC,
+	CLD,
+	SED,
+	CLI,
+	SEI,
+	CLV,
+	BRK,
+	NOP,
+// Emulator instance, create with new_cpu()
+typedef struct
+	uint8_t regs[5]; // A, X, Y, SP and SR registers
+	uint16_t pc;
+	uint8_t *mem;
+} cpu_t;
+// Argument type, includes both pointer and its value
+typedef struct
+	uint16_t val; // Value at pointer (used by most instructions)
+	uint16_t ptr; // Pointer (used by jumps, etc)
+} arg_t;
+cpu_t new_cpu();
+void free_cpu(cpu_t *cpu);
+void die(const char *message);
+void disas(cpu_t *cpu);
diff --git a/csv2h.awk b/csv2h.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f98ba9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csv2h.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+	FS = ","
+	print "#pragma once\n"
+	print "#define INSTRUCTIONS \\"
+/0x.+/ {
+	print "	INST(" $2 ",	AM_" $3 ",	" $1" ) \\"
diff --git a/instructions.h b/instructions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba3d99d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/instructions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#pragma once
+	INST(ADC,	AM_IMM,	0x69 ) \
+	INST(ADC,	AM_ZP,	0x65 ) \
+	INST(ADC,	AM_ZPX,	0x75 ) \
+	INST(ADC,	AM_ABS,	0x6d ) \
+	INST(ADC,	AM_AX,	0x7d ) \
+	INST(ADC,	AM_AY,	0x79 ) \
+	INST(ADC,	AM_ZIX,	0x61 ) \
+	INST(ADC,	AM_ZIY,	0x71 ) \
+	INST(AND,	AM_IMM,	0x29 ) \
+	INST(AND,	AM_ZP,	0x25 ) \
+	INST(AND,	AM_ZPX,	0x35 ) \
+	INST(AND,	AM_ABS,	0x2d ) \
+	INST(AND,	AM_AX,	0x3d ) \
+	INST(AND,	AM_AY,	0x39 ) \
+	INST(AND,	AM_ZIX,	0x21 ) \
+	INST(AND,	AM_ZIY,	0x31 ) \
+	INST(ASL,	AM_ACC,	0x0a ) \
+	INST(ASL,	AM_ZP,	0x06 ) \
+	INST(ASL,	AM_ZPX,	0x16 ) \
+	INST(ASL,	AM_ABS,	0x0e ) \
+	INST(ASL,	AM_AX,	0x1e ) \
+	INST(BCC,	AM_REL,	0x90 ) \
+	INST(BCS,	AM_REL,	0xB0 ) \
+	INST(BEQ,	AM_REL,	0xF0 ) \
+	INST(BMI,	AM_REL,	0x30 ) \
+	INST(BNE,	AM_REL,	0xD0 ) \
+	INST(BPL,	AM_REL,	0x10 ) \
+	INST(BVC,	AM_REL,	0x50 ) \
+	INST(BVS,	AM_REL,	0x70 ) \
+	INST(BIT,	AM_ZP,	0x24 ) \
+	INST(BIT,	AM_ABS,	0x2c ) \
+	INST(BIT,	AM_IMM,	0x89 ) \
+	INST(BIT,	AM_ZPX,	0x34 ) \
+	INST(BIT,	AM_AX,	0x3c ) \
+	INST(BRK,	AM_IMP,	0x00 ) \
+	INST(CLC,	AM_IMP,	0x18 ) \
+	INST(CLD,	AM_IMP,	0xd8 ) \
+	INST(CLI,	AM_IMP,	0x58 ) \
+	INST(CLV,	AM_IMP,	0xb8 ) \
+	INST(NOP,	AM_IMP,	0xea ) \
+	INST(PHA,	AM_IMP,	0x48 ) \
+	INST(PLA,	AM_IMP,	0x68 ) \
+	INST(PHP,	AM_IMP,	0x08 ) \
+	INST(PLP,	AM_IMP,	0x28 ) \
+	INST(RTI,	AM_IMP,	0x40 ) \
+	INST(RTS,	AM_IMP,	0x60 ) \
+	INST(SEC,	AM_IMP,	0x38 ) \
+	INST(SED,	AM_IMP,	0xf8 ) \
+	INST(SEI,	AM_IMP,	0x78 ) \
+	INST(TAX,	AM_IMP,	0xaa ) \
+	INST(TXA,	AM_IMP,	0x8a ) \
+	INST(TAY,	AM_IMP,	0xa8 ) \
+	INST(TYA,	AM_IMP,	0x98 ) \
+	INST(TSX,	AM_IMP,	0xba ) \
+	INST(TXS,	AM_IMP,	0x9a ) \
+	INST(CMP,	AM_IMM,	0xc9 ) \
+	INST(CMP,	AM_ZP,	0xc5 ) \
+	INST(CMP,	AM_ZPX,	0xd5 ) \
+	INST(CMP,	AM_ABS,	0xcd ) \
+	INST(CMP,	AM_AX,	0xdd ) \
+	INST(CMP,	AM_AY,	0xd9 ) \
+	INST(CMP,	AM_ZIX,	0xc1 ) \
+	INST(CMP,	AM_ZIY,	0xd1 ) \
+	INST(CPX,	AM_IMM,	0xe0 ) \
+	INST(CPX,	AM_ZP,	0xe4 ) \
+	INST(CPX,	AM_ABS,	0xec ) \
+	INST(CPY,	AM_IMM,	0xc0 ) \
+	INST(CPY,	AM_ZP,	0xc4 ) \
+	INST(CPY,	AM_ABS,	0xcc ) \
+	INST(DEC,	AM_ZP,	0xc6 ) \
+	INST(DEC,	AM_ZPX,	0xd6 ) \
+	INST(DEC,	AM_ABS,	0xce ) \
+	INST(DEC,	AM_AX,	0xde ) \
+	INST(DEC,	AM_ACC,	0x3a ) \
+	INST(DEX,	AM_IMP,	0xca ) \
+	INST(DEY,	AM_IMP,	0x88 ) \
+	INST(INX,	AM_IMP,	0xe8 ) \
+	INST(INY,	AM_IMP,	0xc8 ) \
+	INST(EOR,	AM_IMM,	0x49 ) \
+	INST(EOR,	AM_ZP,	0x45 ) \
+	INST(EOR,	AM_ZPX,	0x55 ) \
+	INST(EOR,	AM_ABS,	0x4d ) \
+	INST(EOR,	AM_AX,	0x5d ) \
+	INST(EOR,	AM_AY,	0x59 ) \
+	INST(EOR,	AM_ZIX,	0x41 ) \
+	INST(EOR,	AM_ZIY,	0x51 ) \
+	INST(INC,	AM_ZP,	0xe6 ) \
+	INST(INC,	AM_ZPX,	0xf6 ) \
+	INST(INC,	AM_ABS,	0xee ) \
+	INST(INC,	AM_AX,	0xfe ) \
+	INST(INC,	AM_ACC,	0x1a ) \
+	INST(JMP,	AM_ABS,	0x4c ) \
+	INST(JMP,	AM_IND,	0x6c ) \
+	INST(JMP,	AM_AX,	0x7c ) \
+	INST(JSR,	AM_ABS,	0x20 ) \
+	INST(LDA,	AM_IMM,	0xa9 ) \
+	INST(LDA,	AM_ZP,	0xa5 ) \
+	INST(LDA,	AM_ZPX,	0xb5 ) \
+	INST(LDA,	AM_ABS,	0xad ) \
+	INST(LDA,	AM_AX,	0xbd ) \
+	INST(LDA,	AM_AY,	0xb9 ) \
+	INST(LDA,	AM_ZIX,	0xa1 ) \
+	INST(LDA,	AM_ZIY,	0xb1 ) \
+	INST(LDX,	AM_IMM,	0xa2 ) \
+	INST(LDX,	AM_ZP,	0xa6 ) \
+	INST(LDX,	AM_ZPY,	0xb6 ) \
+	INST(LDX,	AM_ABS,	0xae ) \
+	INST(LDX,	AM_AY,	0xbe ) \
+	INST(LDY,	AM_IMM,	0xa0 ) \
+	INST(LDY,	AM_ZP,	0xa4 ) \
+	INST(LDY,	AM_ZPX,	0xb4 ) \
+	INST(LDY,	AM_ABS,	0xac ) \
+	INST(LDY,	AM_AX,	0xbc ) \
+	INST(LSR,	AM_ACC,	0x4a ) \
+	INST(LSR,	AM_ZP,	0x46 ) \
+	INST(LSR,	AM_ZPX,	0x56 ) \
+	INST(LSR,	AM_ABS,	0x4e ) \
+	INST(LSR,	AM_AX,	0x5e ) \
+	INST(ORA,	AM_IMM,	0x09 ) \
+	INST(ORA,	AM_ZP,	0x05 ) \
+	INST(ORA,	AM_ZPX,	0x15 ) \
+	INST(ORA,	AM_ABS,	0x0d ) \
+	INST(ORA,	AM_AX,	0x1d ) \
+	INST(ORA,	AM_AY,	0x19 ) \
+	INST(ORA,	AM_ZIX,	0x01 ) \
+	INST(ORA,	AM_ZIY,	0x11 ) \
+	INST(ROL,	AM_ACC,	0x2a ) \
+	INST(ROL,	AM_ZP,	0x26 ) \
+	INST(ROL,	AM_ZPX,	0x36 ) \
+	INST(ROL,	AM_ABS,	0x2e ) \
+	INST(ROL,	AM_AX,	0x3e ) \
+	INST(ROR,	AM_ACC,	0x6a ) \
+	INST(ROR,	AM_ZP,	0x66 ) \
+	INST(ROR,	AM_ZPX,	0x76 ) \
+	INST(ROR,	AM_ABS,	0x7e ) \
+	INST(ROR,	AM_AX,	0x6e ) \
+	INST(SBC,	AM_IMM,	0xe9 ) \
+	INST(SBC,	AM_ZP,	0xe5 ) \
+	INST(SBC,	AM_ZPX,	0xf5 ) \
+	INST(SBC,	AM_ABS,	0xed ) \
+	INST(SBC,	AM_AX,	0xfd ) \
+	INST(SBC,	AM_AY,	0xf9 ) \
+	INST(SBC,	AM_ZIX,	0xe1 ) \
+	INST(SBC,	AM_ZIY,	0xf1 ) \
+	INST(STA,	AM_ZP,	0x85 ) \
+	INST(STA,	AM_ZPX,	0x95 ) \
+	INST(STA,	AM_ABS,	0x8d ) \
+	INST(STA,	AM_AX,	0x9d ) \
+	INST(STA,	AM_AY,	0x99 ) \
+	INST(STA,	AM_ZIX,	0x81 ) \
+	INST(STA,	AM_ZIY,	0x91 ) \
+	INST(STX,	AM_ZP,	0x86 ) \
+	INST(STX,	AM_ZPY,	0x96 ) \
+	INST(STX,	AM_ABS,	0x8e ) \
+	INST(STY,	AM_ZP,	0x84 ) \
+	INST(STY,	AM_ZPX,	0x94 ) \
+	INST(STY,	AM_ABS,	0x8c ) \
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e6ec52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include "cpu.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	printf("6502 Emulator\n");
+	uint8_t disflag = 0,
+		runflag = 0,
+		helpflag = 0;
+	char c;
+	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "drh")) != -1)
+	{
+		switch (c)
+		{
+			case 'd':
+				disflag = 1;
+				break;
+			case 'r':
+				runflag = 1;
+				break;
+			case 'h':
+			case '?':
+				helpflag = 1;
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (helpflag)
+	{
+		printf("-r to run, -d to disassemble");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	cpu_t cpu = new_cpu();
+	fread(cpu.mem, 0xFFFF, 1, stdin);
+	if (disflag)
+	{
+		disas(&cpu);
+	}
+	free_cpu(&cpu);
diff --git a/test.dat b/test.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d6ba15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.dat
Binary files differ