blob: f055320fc5dbc47f747ecbdfdf743617411cc217 [file] [log] [blame]
/* global wc_stripe_params */
jQuery( function( $ ) {
'use strict';
try {
var stripe = Stripe( wc_stripe_params.key, {
locale: wc_stripe_params.stripe_locale || 'auto',
} );
} catch( error ) {
console.log( error );
var stripe_elements_options = Object.keys( wc_stripe_params.elements_options ).length ? wc_stripe_params.elements_options : {},
sepa_elements_options = Object.keys( wc_stripe_params.sepa_elements_options ).length ? wc_stripe_params.sepa_elements_options : {},
elements = stripe.elements( stripe_elements_options ),
iban = elements.create( 'iban', sepa_elements_options ),
* Object to handle Stripe elements payment form.
var wc_stripe_form = {
* Get WC AJAX endpoint URL.
* @param {String} endpoint Endpoint.
* @return {String}
getAjaxURL: function( endpoint ) {
return wc_stripe_params.ajaxurl
.replace( '%%endpoint%%', 'wc_stripe_' + endpoint );
* Unmounts all Stripe elements when the checkout page is being updated.
unmountElements: function() {
if ( 'yes' === wc_stripe_params.inline_cc_form ) {
stripe_card.unmount( '#stripe-card-element' );
} else {
stripe_card.unmount( '#stripe-card-element' );
stripe_exp.unmount( '#stripe-exp-element' );
stripe_cvc.unmount( '#stripe-cvc-element' );
* Mounts all elements to their DOM nodes on initial loads and updates.
mountElements: function() {
if ( ! $( '#stripe-card-element' ).length ) {
if ( 'yes' === wc_stripe_params.inline_cc_form ) {
stripe_card.mount( '#stripe-card-element' );
stripe_card.mount( '#stripe-card-element' );
stripe_exp.mount( '#stripe-exp-element' );
stripe_cvc.mount( '#stripe-cvc-element' );
* Creates all Stripe elements that will be used to enter cards or IBANs.
createElements: function() {
var elementStyles = {
base: {
iconColor: '#666EE8',
color: '#31325F',
fontSize: '15px',
'::placeholder': {
color: '#CFD7E0',
var elementClasses = {
focus: 'focused',
empty: 'empty',
invalid: 'invalid',
elementStyles = wc_stripe_params.elements_styling ? wc_stripe_params.elements_styling : elementStyles;
elementClasses = wc_stripe_params.elements_classes ? wc_stripe_params.elements_classes : elementClasses;
if ( 'yes' === wc_stripe_params.inline_cc_form ) {
stripe_card = elements.create( 'card', { style: elementStyles, hidePostalCode: true } );
stripe_card.addEventListener( 'change', function( event ) {
if ( event.error ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'stripeError', event );
} );
} else {
stripe_card = elements.create( 'cardNumber', { style: elementStyles, classes: elementClasses } );
stripe_exp = elements.create( 'cardExpiry', { style: elementStyles, classes: elementClasses } );
stripe_cvc = elements.create( 'cardCvc', { style: elementStyles, classes: elementClasses } );
stripe_card.addEventListener( 'change', function( event ) {
wc_stripe_form.updateCardBrand( event.brand );
if ( event.error ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'stripeError', event );
} );
stripe_exp.addEventListener( 'change', function( event ) {
if ( event.error ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'stripeError', event );
} );
stripe_cvc.addEventListener( 'change', function( event ) {
if ( event.error ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'stripeError', event );
} );
* Only in checkout page we need to delay the mounting of the
* card as some AJAX process needs to happen before we do.
if ( 'yes' === wc_stripe_params.is_checkout ) {
$( document.body ).on( 'updated_checkout', function() {
// Don't re-mount if already mounted in DOM.
if ( $( '#stripe-card-element' ).children().length ) {
// Unmount prior to re-mounting.
if ( stripe_card ) {
if ( $( '#stripe-iban-element' ).length ) {
iban.mount( '#stripe-iban-element' );
} );
} else if ( $( 'form#add_payment_method' ).length || $( 'form#order_review' ).length ) {
if ( $( '#stripe-iban-element' ).length ) {
iban.mount( '#stripe-iban-element' );
* Updates the card brand logo with non-inline CC forms.
* @param {string} brand The identifier of the chosen brand.
updateCardBrand: function( brand ) {
var brandClass = {
'visa': 'stripe-visa-brand',
'mastercard': 'stripe-mastercard-brand',
'amex': 'stripe-amex-brand',
'discover': 'stripe-discover-brand',
'diners': 'stripe-diners-brand',
'jcb': 'stripe-jcb-brand',
'unknown': 'stripe-credit-card-brand'
var imageElement = $( '.stripe-card-brand' ),
imageClass = 'stripe-credit-card-brand';
if ( brand in brandClass ) {
imageClass = brandClass[ brand ];
// Remove existing card brand class.
$.each( brandClass, function( index, el ) {
imageElement.removeClass( el );
} );
imageElement.addClass( imageClass );
* Initialize event handlers and UI state.
init: function() {
// Initialize tokenization script if on change payment method page and pay for order page.
if ( 'yes' === wc_stripe_params.is_change_payment_page || 'yes' === wc_stripe_params.is_pay_for_order_page ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'wc-credit-card-form-init' );
// checkout page
if ( $( 'form.woocommerce-checkout' ).length ) {
this.form = $( 'form.woocommerce-checkout' );
$( 'form.woocommerce-checkout' )
'checkout_place_order_stripe checkout_place_order_stripe_bancontact checkout_place_order_stripe_sofort checkout_place_order_stripe_giropay checkout_place_order_stripe_ideal checkout_place_order_stripe_alipay checkout_place_order_stripe_sepa checkout_place_order_stripe_boleto checkout_place_order_stripe_oxxo',
// pay order page
if ( $( 'form#order_review' ).length ) {
this.form = $( 'form#order_review' );
$( 'form#order_review, form#add_payment_method' )
// add payment method page
if ( $( 'form#add_payment_method' ).length ) {
this.form = $( 'form#add_payment_method' );
$( 'form.woocommerce-checkout' )
$( document )
iban.on( 'change',
// Subscription early renewals modal.
if ($('#early_renewal_modal_submit[data-payment-method]').length) {
$('#early_renewal_modal_submit[data-payment-method=stripe]').on('click', this.onEarlyRenewalSubmit);
} else {
$('#early_renewal_modal_submit').on('click', this.onEarlyRenewalSubmit);
// Listen for hash changes in order to handle payment intents
window.addEventListener( 'hashchange', wc_stripe_form.onHashChange );
//Mask CPF/CNPJ field when using Boleto
$( document ).on( 'change', '.wc_payment_methods', function () {
if ( ! $( '#stripe_boleto_tax_id' ).length ) {
var TaxIdMaskBehavior = function ( val ) {
return val.replace( /\D/g, '' ).length >= 12 ? '00.000.000/0000-00' : '000.000.000-009999';
spOptions = {
onKeyPress: function ( val, e, field, options ) {
field.mask( TaxIdMaskBehavior.apply( {}, arguments ), options );
$( '#stripe_boleto_tax_id' ).mask( TaxIdMaskBehavior, spOptions );
* Check to see if Stripe in general is being used for checkout.
* @return {boolean}
isStripeChosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe, #payment_method_stripe_bancontact, #payment_method_stripe_sofort, #payment_method_stripe_giropay, #payment_method_stripe_ideal, #payment_method_stripe_alipay, #payment_method_stripe_sepa, #payment_method_stripe_eps, #payment_method_stripe_multibanco, #payment_method_stripe_boleto, #payment_method_stripe_oxxo' ).is( ':checked' ) || ( $( '#payment_method_stripe' ).is( ':checked' ) && 'new' === $( 'input[name="wc-stripe-payment-token"]:checked' ).val() ) || ( $( '#payment_method_stripe_sepa' ).is( ':checked' ) && 'new' === $( 'input[name="wc-stripe-payment-token"]:checked' ).val() );
* Currently only support saved cards via credit cards and SEPA. No other payment method.
* @return {boolean}
isStripeSaveCardChosen: function() {
return (
$( '#payment_method_stripe' ).is( ':checked' ) &&
$( 'input[name="wc-stripe-payment-token"]' ).is( ':checked' ) &&
'new' !== $( 'input[name="wc-stripe-payment-token"]:checked' ).val()
) || (
$( '#payment_method_stripe_sepa' ).is( ':checked' ) &&
$( 'input[name="wc-stripe_sepa-payment-token"]' ).is( ':checked' ) &&
'new' !== $( 'input[name="wc-stripe_sepa-payment-token"]:checked' ).val()
* Check if Stripe credit card is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isStripeCardChosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe' ).is( ':checked' );
* Check if Stripe Bancontact is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isBancontactChosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe_bancontact' ).is( ':checked' );
* Check if Stripe giropay is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isGiropayChosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe_giropay' ).is( ':checked' );
* Check if Stripe iDEAL is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isIdealChosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe_ideal' ).is( ':checked' );
* Check if Stripe Sofort is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isSofortChosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe_sofort' ).is( ':checked' );
* Check if Stripe Alipay is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isAlipayChosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe_alipay' ).is( ':checked' );
* Check if Stripe SEPA Direct Debit is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isSepaChosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe_sepa' ).is( ':checked' );
* Check if Stripe P24 is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isP24Chosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe_p24' ).is( ':checked' );
* Check if Stripe EPS is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isEpsChosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe_eps' ).is( ':checked' );
* Check if Stripe Multibanco is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isMultibancoChosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe_multibanco' ).is( ':checked' );
* Check if Stripe Boleto is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isBoletoChosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe_boleto' ).is( ':checked' );
* Check if Stripe OXXO is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isOxxoChosen: function() {
return $( '#payment_method_stripe_oxxo' ).is( ':checked' );
* Checks if a source ID is present as a hidden input.
* Only used when SEPA Direct Debit is chosen.
* @return {boolean}
hasSource: function() {
return 0 < $( 'input.stripe-source' ).length;
* Check whether a mobile device is being used.
* @return {boolean}
isMobile: function() {
if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Blocks payment forms with an overlay while being submitted.
block: function() {
if ( ! wc_stripe_form.isMobile() ) {
wc_stripe_form.form.block( {
message: null,
overlayCSS: {
background: '#fff',
opacity: 0.6
} );
* Removes overlays from payment forms.
unblock: function() {
wc_stripe_form.form && wc_stripe_form.form.unblock();
* Returns the selected payment method HTML element.
* @return {HTMLElement}
getSelectedPaymentElement: function() {
return $( '.payment_methods input[name="payment_method"]:checked' );
* Retrieves "owner" data from either the billing fields in a form or preset settings.
* @return {Object}
getOwnerDetails: function() {
var first_name = $( '#billing_first_name' ).length ? $( '#billing_first_name' ).val() : wc_stripe_params.billing_first_name,
last_name = $( '#billing_last_name' ).length ? $( '#billing_last_name' ).val() : wc_stripe_params.billing_last_name,
owner = { name: '', address: {}, email: '', phone: '' }; = first_name;
if ( first_name && last_name ) { = first_name + ' ' + last_name;
} else { = $( '#stripe-payment-data' ).data( 'full-name' );
} = $( '#billing_email' ).val(); = $( '#billing_phone' ).val();
/* Stripe does not like empty string values so
* we need to remove the parameter if we're not
* passing any value.
if ( typeof === 'undefined' || 0 >= ) {
if ( typeof === 'undefined' || 0 >= ) {
if ( $( '#stripe-payment-data' ).data( 'email' ).length ) { = $( '#stripe-payment-data' ).data( 'email' );
} else {
if ( typeof === 'undefined' || 0 >= ) {
owner.address.line1 = $( '#billing_address_1' ).val() || wc_stripe_params.billing_address_1;
owner.address.line2 = $( '#billing_address_2' ).val() || wc_stripe_params.billing_address_2;
owner.address.state = $( '#billing_state' ).val() || wc_stripe_params.billing_state; = $( '#billing_city' ).val() || wc_stripe_params.billing_city;
owner.address.postal_code = $( '#billing_postcode' ).val() || wc_stripe_params.billing_postcode; = $( '#billing_country' ).val() || wc_stripe_params.billing_country;
return {
owner: owner,
* Initiates the creation of a Source object.
* Currently this is only used for credit cards and SEPA Direct Debit,
* all other payment methods work with redirects to create sources.
createSource: function() {
var extra_details = wc_stripe_form.getOwnerDetails();
// Handle SEPA Direct Debit payments.
if ( wc_stripe_form.isSepaChosen() ) {
extra_details.currency = $( '#stripe-sepa_debit-payment-data' ).data( 'currency' );
extra_details.mandate = { notification_method: wc_stripe_params.sepa_mandate_notification };
extra_details.type = 'sepa_debit';
return stripe.createSource( iban, extra_details ).then( wc_stripe_form.sourceResponse );
// Handle card payments.
return stripe.createSource( stripe_card, extra_details )
.then( wc_stripe_form.sourceResponse );
* Handles responses, based on source object.
* @param {Object} response The `stripe.createSource` response.
sourceResponse: function( response ) {
if ( response.error ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'stripeError', response );
$( '<input type="hidden" />' )
.addClass( 'stripe-source' )
.attr( 'name', 'stripe_source' )
.val( )
if ( $( 'form#add_payment_method' ).length || $( '#wc-stripe-change-payment-method' ).length ) {
wc_stripe_form.sourceSetup( response );
wc_stripe_form.form.trigger( 'submit' );
* Authenticate Source if necessary by creating and confirming a SetupIntent.
* @param {Object} response The `stripe.createSource` response.
sourceSetup: function( response ) {
var apiError = {
error: {
type: 'api_connection_error'
$.post( {
url: wc_stripe_form.getAjaxURL( 'create_setup_intent'),
dataType: 'json',
data: {
nonce: wc_stripe_params.add_card_nonce,
error: function() {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'stripeError', apiError );
} ).done( function( serverResponse ) {
if ( 'success' === serverResponse.status ) {
if ( $( 'form#add_payment_method' ).length ) {
$( wc_stripe_form.form ).off( 'submit', wc_stripe_form.form.onSubmit );
wc_stripe_form.form.trigger( 'submit' );
} else if ( 'requires_action' !== serverResponse.status ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'stripeError', serverResponse );
stripe.confirmCardSetup( serverResponse.client_secret, { payment_method: } )
.then( function( result ) {
if ( result.error ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'stripeError', result );
if ( $( 'form#add_payment_method' ).length ) {
$( wc_stripe_form.form ).off( 'submit', wc_stripe_form.form.onSubmit );
wc_stripe_form.form.trigger( 'submit' );
} )
.catch( function( err ) {
console.log( err );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'stripeError', { error: err } );
} );
} );
* Performs payment-related actions when a checkout/payment form is being submitted.
* @return {boolean} An indicator whether the submission should proceed.
* WooCommerce's checkout.js stops only on `false`, so this needs to be explicit.
onSubmit: function() {
if ( ! wc_stripe_form.isStripeChosen() ) {
return true;
// If a source is already in place, submit the form as usual.
if ( wc_stripe_form.isStripeSaveCardChosen() || wc_stripe_form.hasSource() ) {
return true;
// For methods that needs redirect, we will create the source server side so we can obtain the order ID.
if (
wc_stripe_form.isBancontactChosen() ||
wc_stripe_form.isGiropayChosen() ||
wc_stripe_form.isIdealChosen() ||
wc_stripe_form.isAlipayChosen() ||
wc_stripe_form.isSofortChosen() ||
wc_stripe_form.isP24Chosen() ||
wc_stripe_form.isEpsChosen() ||
) {
return true;
if( wc_stripe_form.isBoletoChosen() ) {
if( ! $( '#stripe_boleto_tax_id' ).val() ) {
wc_stripe_form.submitError( wc_stripe_params.cpf_cnpj_required_msg );
return false;
} else if ( wc_stripe_form.isOxxoChosen() ) {
} else {
return false;
* Will show a modal for printing the Boleto.
* After the customer closes the modal proceeds with checkout normally
handleBoleto: function () {
wc_stripe_form.executeCheckout( 'boleto', function ( checkout_response ) {
.then(function ( response ) {
wc_stripe_form.handleConfirmResponse( checkout_response, response );
} );
* Executes the checkout and then execute the callback instead of redirect to success page
* @param callback
executeCheckout: function ( payment_method, callback ) {
const formFields = wc_stripe_form.form.serializeArray().reduce( ( obj, field ) => {
obj[ ] = field.value;
return obj;
}, {} );
if( wc_stripe_form.form.attr('id') === 'order_review' ) {
formFields._ajax_nonce = wc_stripe_params.updatePaymentIntentNonce;
formFields.order_id = wc_stripe_params.orderId;
$.ajax( {
url: wc_stripe_form.getAjaxURL( payment_method + '_update_payment_intent' ),
type: 'POST',
data: formFields,
success: function ( response ) {
if( 'success' !== response.result ) {
wc_stripe_form.submitError( response.messages );
callback( response );
} );
} else {
$.ajax( {
url: wc_stripe_params.checkout_url,
type: 'POST',
data: formFields,
success: function ( checkout_response ) {
if( 'success' !== checkout_response.result ) {
wc_stripe_form.submitError( checkout_response.messages, true );
callback( checkout_response );
} );
* Handles response of the Confirm<payment_method>Payment like confirmBoletoPayment and confirmOxxoPayment
* @param checkout_response
* @param response
handleConfirmResponse: function ( checkout_response, response ) {
if ( response.error ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'stripeError', response );
if ( -1 === checkout_response.redirect.indexOf( 'https://' ) || -1 === checkout_response.redirect.indexOf( 'http://' ) ) {
window.location = checkout_response.redirect;
} else {
window.location = decodeURI( checkout_response.redirect );
* Will show a modal for printing the OXXO Voucher.
* After the customer closes the modal proceeds with checkout normally
handleOxxo: function () {
wc_stripe_form.executeCheckout( 'oxxo', function ( checkout_response ) {
.then(function (response) {
wc_stripe_form.handleConfirmResponse( checkout_response, response );
} );
} );
* If a new credit card is entered, reset sources.
onCCFormChange: function() {
* Removes all Stripe errors and hidden fields with IDs from the form.
reset: function() {
$( '.wc-stripe-error, .stripe-source' ).remove();
* Displays a SEPA-specific error message.
* @param {Event} e The event with the error.
onSepaError: function( e ) {
var errorContainer = wc_stripe_form.getSelectedPaymentElement().parents( 'li' ).eq( 0 ).find( '.stripe-source-errors' );
if ( ! e.error ) {
$( errorContainer ).html( '' );
console.log( e.error.message ); // Leave for troubleshooting.
$( errorContainer ).html( '<ul class="woocommerce_error woocommerce-error wc-stripe-error"><li /></ul>' );
$( errorContainer ).find( 'li' ).text( e.error.message ); // Prevent XSS
* Displays stripe-related errors.
* @param {Event} e The jQuery event.
* @param {Object} result The result of Stripe call.
onError: function( e, result ) {
var message = result.error.message;
var selectedMethodElement = wc_stripe_form.getSelectedPaymentElement().closest( 'li' );
var savedTokens = selectedMethodElement.find( '.woocommerce-SavedPaymentMethods-tokenInput' );
var errorContainer;
var prButtonClicked = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'woocommerce-stripe-prb-clicked' );
if ( prButtonClicked ) {
// If payment was initiated with a payment request button, display errors in the notices div.
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'woocommerce-stripe-prb-clicked' );
errorContainer = $( 'div.woocommerce-notices-wrapper' ).first();
} else if ( savedTokens.length ) {
// In case there are saved cards too, display the message next to the correct one.
var selectedToken = savedTokens.filter( ':checked' );
if ( selectedToken.closest( '.woocommerce-SavedPaymentMethods-new' ).length ) {
// Display the error next to the CC fields if a new card is being entered.
errorContainer = $( '#wc-stripe-cc-form .stripe-source-errors' );
} else {
// Display the error next to the chosen saved card.
errorContainer = selectedToken.closest( 'li' ).find( '.stripe-source-errors' );
} else {
// When no saved cards are available, display the error next to CC fields.
errorContainer = selectedMethodElement.find( '.stripe-source-errors' );
* If payment method is SEPA and owner name is not completed,
* source cannot be created. So we need to show the normal
* Billing name is required error message on top of form instead
* of inline.
if ( wc_stripe_form.isSepaChosen() ) {
if ( 'invalid_owner_name' === result.error.code && wc_stripe_params.hasOwnProperty( result.error.code ) ) {
wc_stripe_form.submitError( wc_stripe_params[ result.error.code ] );
// Notify users that the email is invalid.
if ( 'email_invalid' === result.error.code ) {
message = wc_stripe_params.email_invalid;
} else if (
* Customers do not need to know the specifics of the below type of errors
* therefore return a generic localizable error message.
'invalid_request_error' === result.error.type ||
'api_connection_error' === result.error.type ||
'api_error' === result.error.type ||
'authentication_error' === result.error.type ||
'rate_limit_error' === result.error.type
) {
message = wc_stripe_params.invalid_request_error;
if ( wc_stripe_params.hasOwnProperty(result.error.code) ) {
message = wc_stripe_params[ result.error.code ];
$( '.woocommerce-NoticeGroup-checkout' ).remove();
console.log( result.error.message ); // Leave for troubleshooting.
$( errorContainer ).html( '<ul class="woocommerce_error woocommerce-error wc-stripe-error"><li /></ul>' );
$( errorContainer ).find( 'li' ).text( message ); // Prevent XSS
if ( $( '.wc-stripe-error' ).length ) {
$( 'html, body' ).animate({
scrollTop: ( $( '.wc-stripe-error' ).offset().top - 200 )
}, 200 );
$.unblockUI(); // If arriving via Payment Request Button.
* Displays an error message in the beginning of the form and scrolls to it.
* @param {Object} error_message An error message jQuery object.
submitError: function( error_message, is_html = false ) {
if( ! is_html ) {
var error = $( '<div><ul class="woocommerce-error"><li /></ul></div>' );
error.find( 'li' ).text( error_message ); // Prevent XSS
error_message = error.html();
$( '.woocommerce-NoticeGroup-checkout, .woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message' ).remove();
wc_stripe_form.form.prepend( '<div class="woocommerce-NoticeGroup woocommerce-NoticeGroup-checkout">' + error_message + '</div>' );
wc_stripe_form.form.removeClass( 'processing' ).unblock();
wc_stripe_form.form.find( '.input-text, select, input:checkbox' ).trigger( 'blur' );
var selector = '';
if ( $( '#add_payment_method' ).length ) {
selector = $( '#add_payment_method' );
if ( $( '#order_review' ).length ) {
selector = $( '#order_review' );
if ( $( 'form.checkout' ).length ) {
selector = $( 'form.checkout' );
if ( selector.length ) {
$( 'html, body' ).animate({
scrollTop: ( selector.offset().top - 100 )
}, 500 );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'checkout_error' );
* Handles changes in the hash in order to show a modal for PaymentIntent/SetupIntent confirmations.
* Listens for `hashchange` events and checks for a hash in the following format:
* #confirm-pi-<intentClientSecret>:<successRedirectURL>
* If such a hash appears, the partials will be used to call `stripe.handleCardPayment`
* in order to allow customers to confirm an 3DS/SCA authorization, or stripe.handleCardSetup if
* what needs to be confirmed is a SetupIntent.
* Those redirects/hashes are generated in `WC_Gateway_Stripe::process_payment`.
onHashChange: function() {
var partials = window.location.hash.match( /^#?confirm-(pi|si)-([^:]+):(.+)$/ );
if ( ! partials || 4 > partials.length ) {
var type = partials[1];
var intentClientSecret = partials[2];
var redirectURL = decodeURIComponent( partials[3] );
// Cleanup the URL
window.location.hash = '';
wc_stripe_form.openIntentModal( intentClientSecret, redirectURL, false, 'si' === type );
maybeConfirmIntent: function() {
if ( ! $( '#stripe-intent-id' ).length || ! $( '#stripe-intent-return' ).length ) {
var intentSecret = $( '#stripe-intent-id' ).val();
var returnURL = $( '#stripe-intent-return' ).val();
wc_stripe_form.openIntentModal( intentSecret, returnURL, true, false );
* Opens the modal for PaymentIntent authorizations.
* @param {string} intentClientSecret The client secret of the intent.
* @param {string} redirectURL The URL to ping on fail or redirect to on success.
* @param {boolean} alwaysRedirect If set to true, an immediate redirect will happen no matter the result.
* If not, an error will be displayed on failure.
* @param {boolean} isSetupIntent If set to true, ameans that the flow is handling a Setup Intent.
* If false, it's a Payment Intent.
openIntentModal: function( intentClientSecret, redirectURL, alwaysRedirect, isSetupIntent ) {
stripe[ isSetupIntent ? 'handleCardSetup' : 'handleCardPayment' ]( intentClientSecret )
.then( function( response ) {
if ( response.error ) {
throw response.error;
var intent = response[ isSetupIntent ? 'setupIntent' : 'paymentIntent' ];
if ( 'requires_capture' !== intent.status && 'succeeded' !== intent.status ) {
window.location = redirectURL;
} )
.catch( function( error ) {
if ( alwaysRedirect ) {
window.location = redirectURL;
$( document.body ).trigger( 'stripeError', { error: error } );
wc_stripe_form.form && wc_stripe_form.form.removeClass( 'processing' );
// Report back to the server.
$.get( redirectURL + '&is_ajax' );
} );
* Prevents the standard behavior of the "Renew Now" button in the
* early renewals modal by using AJAX instead of a simple redirect.
* @param {Event} e The event that occured.
onEarlyRenewalSubmit: function( e ) {
$.ajax( {
url: $( '#early_renewal_modal_submit' ).attr( 'href' ),
method: 'get',
success: function( html ) {
var response = JSON.parse( html );
if ( response.stripe_sca_required ) {
wc_stripe_form.openIntentModal( response.intent_secret, response.redirect_url, true, false );
} else {
window.location = response.redirect_url;
} );
return false;
} );