Initial commit
diff --git a/parse.y b/parse.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10e401d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parse.y
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+ * parse.y: the parser for GNU units, a program for units conversion
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2002, 2007, 2009, 2014, 2017-2018, 2020, 2024
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * This program was written by Adrian Mariano (
+ */
+#include "units.h"
+struct commtype {
+ int location;
+ const char *data;
+ struct unittype *result;
+ int errorcode;
+static int err; /* value used by parser to store return values */
+ The CHECK macro aborts parse if an error has occurred. It optionally
+ destroys a variable. Call with CHECK(0) if no variables need destruction
+ on error.
+#define CHECK(var) if (err) { comm->errorcode=err; \
+ if (var) destroyunit(var); \
+int yylex();
+void yyerror(struct commtype *comm, char *);
+#define MAXMEM 100
+int unitcount=0; /* Counts the number of units allocated by the parser */
+struct function {
+ char *name;
+ double (*func)(double);
+ int type;
+#define ANGLEIN 1
+#define ANGLEOUT 2
+#define NATURAL 3
+struct unittype *
+ struct unittype *unit;
+ if (unitcount>=MAXMEM)
+ return 0;
+ unit = (struct unittype *)
+ mymalloc(sizeof(struct unittype),"(getnewunit)");
+ if (!unit)
+ return 0;
+ initializeunit(unit);
+ unitcount++;
+ return unit;
+destroyunit(struct unittype *unit)
+ freeunit(unit);
+ free(unit);
+ unitcount--;
+struct unittype *
+makenumunit(double num,int *myerr)
+ struct unittype *ret;
+ ret=getnewunit();
+ if (!ret){
+ *myerr = E_PARSEMEM;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ret->factor = num;
+ *myerr = 0;
+ return ret;
+logunit(struct unittype *theunit, int base)
+ if ((err=unit2num(theunit)))
+ return err;
+ if (base==2)
+ theunit->factor = log2(theunit->factor);
+ else if (base==10)
+ theunit->factor = log10(theunit->factor);
+ else
+ theunit->factor = log(theunit->factor)/log((double)base);
+ if (errno)
+ return E_FUNC;
+ return 0;
+funcunit(struct unittype *theunit, struct function const *fun)
+ struct unittype angleunit;
+ if (fun->type==ANGLEIN){
+ err=unit2num(theunit);
+ if (err==E_NOTANUMBER){
+ initializeunit(&angleunit);
+ angleunit.denominator[0] = dupstr("radian");
+ angleunit.denominator[1] = 0;
+ err = multunit(theunit, &angleunit);
+ freeunit(&angleunit);
+ if (!err)
+ err = unit2num(theunit);
+ }
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ } else if (fun->type==ANGLEOUT || fun->type == DIMENSIONLESS || fun->type == NATURAL) {
+ if ((err=unit2num(theunit)))
+ return err;
+ if (fun->type==NATURAL && (theunit->factor<0 || trunc(theunit->factor)!=theunit->factor))
+ } else
+ errno = 0;
+ theunit->factor = (*(fun->func))(theunit->factor);
+ if (errno)
+ return E_FUNC;
+ if (fun->type==ANGLEOUT) {
+ theunit->numerator[0] = dupstr("radian");
+ theunit->numerator[1] = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+%parse-param {struct commtype *comm}
+%lex-param {struct commtype *comm}
+%define api.pure full
+%define api.prefix {units}
+%union {
+ double number;
+ int integer;
+ struct unittype *unit;
+ struct function *realfunc;
+ struct func *unitfunc;
+%token <number> REAL
+%token <unit> UNIT
+%token <realfunc> REALFUNC
+%token <integer> LOG
+%token <unitfunc> UNITFUNC
+%token <integer> EXPONENT
+%token <integer> MULTIPLY
+%token <integer> MULTSTAR
+%token <integer> DIVIDE
+%token <integer> NUMDIV
+%token <integer> SQRT
+%token <integer> CUBEROOT
+%token <integer> MULTMINUS
+%token <integer> EOL
+%token <integer> FUNCINV
+%token <integer> MEMERROR
+%token <integer> BADNUMBER
+%token <integer> NUMOVERFLOW
+%token <integer> NUMUNDERFLOW
+%token <integer> UNITEND
+%token <integer> LASTUNSET
+%type <number> numexpr
+%type <unit> expr
+%type <unit> list
+%type <unit> pexpr
+%type <unit> unitexpr
+%type <unit> divlist
+%destructor { destroyunit($$);} <unit>
+%left ADD MINUS
+%left UNARY
+%right EXPONENT
+%left NUMDIV
+ input: EOL { comm->result = makenumunit(1,&err); CHECK(0);
+ comm->errorcode = 0; YYACCEPT; }
+ | unitexpr EOL { comm->result = $1; comm->errorcode = 0; YYACCEPT; }
+ | error { YYABORT; }
+ ;
+ unitexpr: expr { $$ = $1;}
+ | divlist { $$ = $1;}
+ ;
+ divlist: DIVIDE list { invertunit($2); $$=$2;}
+ | divlist divlist %prec MULTIPLY {err = multunit($1,$2); destroyunit($2);
+ CHECK($1);$$=$1;}
+ ;
+ expr: list { $$ = $1; }
+ | MULTMINUS list %prec UNARY { $$ = $2; $$->factor *= -1; }
+ | MINUS list %prec UNARY { $$ = $2; $$->factor *= -1; }
+ | expr ADD expr { err = addunit($1,$3); destroyunit($3);
+ CHECK($1);$$=$1;}
+ | expr MINUS expr { $3->factor *= -1;
+ err = addunit($1,$3); destroyunit($3);
+ CHECK($1);$$=$1;}
+ | expr DIVIDE expr { err = divunit($1, $3); destroyunit($3);
+ CHECK($1);$$=$1;}
+ | expr MULTIPLY expr { err = multunit($1,$3); destroyunit($3);
+ CHECK($1);$$=$1;}
+ | expr MULTSTAR expr { err = multunit($1,$3); destroyunit($3);
+ CHECK($1);$$=$1;}
+ ;
+numexpr: REAL { $$ = $1; }
+ | numexpr NUMDIV numexpr { $$ = $1 / $3; }
+ ;
+ pexpr: '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; }
+ ;
+ /* list is a list of units, possibly raised to powers, to be multiplied
+ together. */
+list: numexpr { $$ = makenumunit($1,&err); CHECK(0);}
+ | UNIT { $$ = $1; }
+ | list EXPONENT list { err = unitpower($1,$3);destroyunit($3);
+ CHECK($1);$$=$1;}
+ | list MULTMINUS list { err = multunit($1,$3); destroyunit($3);
+ CHECK($1);$$=$1;}
+ | list list %prec MULTIPLY { err = multunit($1,$2); destroyunit($2);
+ CHECK($1);$$=$1;}
+ | pexpr { $$=$1; }
+ | SQRT pexpr { err = rootunit($2,2); CHECK($2); $$=$2;}
+ | CUBEROOT pexpr { err = rootunit($2,3); CHECK($2); $$=$2;}
+ | REALFUNC pexpr { err = funcunit($2,$1);CHECK($2); $$=$2;}
+ | LOG pexpr { err = logunit($2,$1); CHECK($2); $$=$2;}
+ | UNITFUNC pexpr { err = evalfunc($2,$1,0,0); CHECK($2);$$=$2;}
+ | FUNCINV UNITFUNC pexpr { err = evalfunc($3,$2,1,0); CHECK($3);$$=$3;}
+ { $4->factor *= -1; err = unitpower($1,$4);
+ destroyunit($4);CHECK($1);$$=$1;}
+ | list EXPONENT MINUS list %prec EXPONENT
+ { $4->factor *= -1; err = unitpower($1,$4);
+ destroyunit($4);CHECK($1);$$=$1;}
+ | BADNUMBER { err = E_BADNUM; CHECK(0); }
+ | MEMERROR { err = E_PARSEMEM; CHECK(0); }
+ | UNITEND { err = E_UNITEND; CHECK(0); }
+ ;
+factorial(double x)
+ return tgamma(x+1);
+struct function
+ realfunctions[] = { {"sin", sin, ANGLEIN},
+ {"cos", cos, ANGLEIN},
+ {"tan", tan, ANGLEIN},
+ {"ln", log, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"log", log10, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"exp", exp, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"acos", acos, ANGLEOUT},
+ {"atan", atan, ANGLEOUT},
+ {"asin", asin, ANGLEOUT},
+ {"sinh", sinh, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"cosh", cosh, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"tanh", tanh, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"asinh", asinh, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"acosh", acosh, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"atanh", atanh, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"round", round, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"floor", floor, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"ceil", ceil, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"erf", erf, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"erfc", erfc, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"Gamma", tgamma, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"lnGamma", lgamma, DIMENSIONLESS},
+ {"factorial", factorial, NATURAL},
+ {0, 0, 0}};
+struct {
+ char op;
+ int value;
+} optable[] = { {'*', MULTIPLY},
+ {'/', DIVIDE},
+ {'|', NUMDIV},
+ {'+', ADD},
+ {'(', '('},
+ {')', ')'},
+ {'^', EXPONENT},
+ {'~', FUNCINV},
+ {0, 0}};
+struct {
+ char *name;
+ int value;
+} strtable[] = { {"sqrt", SQRT},
+ {"cuberoot", CUBEROOT},
+ {"per" , DIVIDE},
+ {0, 0}};
+#define LASTUNIT '_' /* Last unit symbol */
+int yylex(YYSTYPE *lvalp, struct commtype *comm)
+ int length, count;
+ struct unittype *output;
+ const char *inptr;
+ char *name;
+ char *nonunitchars = "~;+-*/|\t\n^ ()"; /* Chars not allowed in unit name --- also defined in units.c */
+ char *nonunitstart = ".,"; /* Can't start a unit */
+ char *nonunitend = ".,_"; /* Can't end a unit */
+ char *number_start = ".,0123456789"; /* Can be first char of a number */
+ if (comm->location==-1) return 0;
+ inptr = comm->data + comm->location; /* Point to start of data */
+ /* Skip spaces */
+ while(*inptr==' ') inptr++, comm->location++;
+ if (*inptr==0) {
+ comm->location = -1;
+ return EOL; /* Return failure if string has ended */
+ }
+ /* Check for **, an exponent operator. */
+ if (0==strncmp("**",inptr,2)){
+ comm->location += 2;
+ return EXPONENT;
+ }
+ /* Check for '-' and '*' which get special handling */
+ if (*inptr=='-'){
+ comm->location++;
+ if (parserflags.minusminus)
+ return MINUS;
+ return MULTMINUS;
+ }
+ if (*inptr=='*'){
+ comm->location++;
+ if (parserflags.oldstar)
+ return MULTIPLY;
+ return MULTSTAR;
+ }
+ /* Look for single character ops */
+ for(count=0; optable[count].op; count++){
+ if (*inptr==optable[count].op) {
+ comm->location++;
+ return optable[count].value;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Look for numbers */
+ if (strchr(number_start,*inptr)){ /* prevent "nan" from being recognized */
+ char *endloc;
+ errno=0;
+ lvalp->number = strtod(inptr, &endloc);
+ if (inptr != endloc) {
+ comm->location += (endloc-inptr);
+ if (*endloc && strchr(number_start,*endloc))
+ return BADNUMBER;
+ else if (errno){
+ errno=0;
+ if (fabs(lvalp->number)==HUGE_VAL) return NUMOVERFLOW;
+ else return NUMUNDERFLOW;
+ }
+ else
+ return REAL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Look for a word (function name or unit name) */
+ length = strcspn(inptr,nonunitchars);
+ if (!length){ /* Next char is not a valid unit char */
+ comm->location++;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Check for the "last unit" symbol, with possible exponent */
+ if (*inptr == LASTUNIT &&
+ (length==1 || length==2 && strchr("23456789",inptr[1]))){
+ comm->location++;
+ if (!lastunitset)
+ return LASTUNSET;
+ output = getnewunit();
+ if (!output)
+ return MEMERROR;
+ unitcopy(output, &lastunit);
+ if (length==2){
+ expunit(output, inptr[1]-'0');
+ comm->location++;
+ }
+ lvalp->unit = output;
+ return UNIT;
+ }
+ /* Check that unit name doesn't start or end with forbidden chars */
+ if (strchr(nonunitstart,*inptr)){
+ comm->location++;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (strchr(nonunitend, inptr[length-1])){
+ comm->location+=length;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ name = dupnstr(inptr, length);
+ /* Look for string operators */
+ for(count=0;strtable[count].name;count++){
+ if (!strcmp(name,strtable[count].name)){
+ free(name);
+ comm->location += length;
+ return strtable[count].value;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Look for real function names */
+ for(count=0;realfunctions[count].name;count++){
+ if (!strcmp(name,realfunctions[count].name)){
+ lvalp->realfunc = realfunctions+count;
+ comm->location += length;
+ free(name);
+ return REALFUNC;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for arbitrary base log */
+ if (!strncmp(name, "log",3)){
+ count = strspn(name+3,"1234567890");
+ if (count+3 == strlen(name)){
+ lvalp->integer=atoi(name+3);
+ if (lvalp->integer>1){ /* Log base must be larger than 1 */
+ comm->location += length;
+ free(name);
+ return LOG;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Look for function parameter */
+ if (function_parameter && !strcmp(name,function_parameter)){
+ free(name);
+ output = getnewunit();
+ if (!output)
+ return MEMERROR;
+ unitcopy(output, parameter_value);
+ lvalp->unit = output;
+ comm->location += length;
+ return UNIT;
+ }
+ /* Look for user defined function */
+ lvalp->unitfunc = fnlookup(name);
+ if (lvalp->unitfunc){
+ comm->location += length;
+ free(name);
+ return UNITFUNC;
+ }
+ /* Didn't find a special string, so treat it as unit name */
+ comm->location+=length;
+ if (strchr("23456789",inptr[length-1]) && !hassubscript(name)) {
+ /* ends with digit but not a subscript, so do exponent handling like m3 */
+ count = name[length-1] - '0';
+ length--;
+ if (strchr(number_start, name[length-1])){
+ free(name);
+ return UNITEND;
+ }
+ } else count=1;
+ free(name);
+ output = getnewunit();
+ if (!output)
+ return MEMERROR;
+ output->numerator[count--]=0;
+ for(;count>=0;count--)
+ output->numerator[count] = dupnstr(inptr, length);
+ lvalp->unit=output;
+ return UNIT;
+void yyerror(struct commtype *comm, char *s){}
+parseunit(struct unittype *output, char const *input,char **errstr,int *errloc)
+ struct commtype comm;
+ int saveunitcount;
+ saveunitcount = unitcount;
+ initializeunit(output);
+ comm.result = 0;
+ comm.location = 0;
+ = input;
+ comm.errorcode = E_PARSE; /* Assume parse error */
+ errno=0;
+ /* errno should only be set in the case of invalid function arguments */
+ if (yyparse(&comm) || errno){
+ if (comm.location==-1)
+ comm.location = strlen(input);
+ if (errstr){
+ if (comm.errorcode==E_FUNC || errno)
+ *errstr = strerror(errno);
+ else
+ *errstr=errormsg[comm.errorcode];
+ }
+ if (errloc)
+ *errloc = comm.location;
+ if (unitcount!=saveunitcount)
+ fprintf(stderr,"units: Parser leaked memory with error: %d in %d out\n",
+ saveunitcount, unitcount);
+ return comm.errorcode;
+ } else {
+ if (errstr)
+ *errstr = 0;
+ multunit(output,comm.result);
+ destroyunit(comm.result);
+ if (unitcount!=saveunitcount)
+ fprintf(stderr,"units: Parser leaked memory without error: %d in %d out\n",
+ saveunitcount, unitcount);
+ return 0;
+ }