Fix documentation formatting
diff --git a/doc/logging.rst b/doc/logging.rst
index fd43282..9663d98 100644
--- a/doc/logging.rst
+++ b/doc/logging.rst
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
 (currently only VGA since it is the only display target implemented) using
 ``kprintf`` in ``include/kernel/log.h``. Additional defines in the same file may
 help differentiate different types of log messages (i.e. errors, debug
-information, etc). ::
+information, etc).
+.. code-block:: c
     kprintf(OKAY "Something succeeded\n");
-	kprintf(ERROR "Something failed :(\n");
-	// etc, see log.h for details
+    kprintf(ERROR "Something failed :(\n");
+    // etc, see log.h for details