Begin multitasking refactor to support ring-3 TSS
diff --git a/src/kernel/task_api.s b/src/kernel/task_api.s
index c862c21..5c7eaa9 100644
--- a/src/kernel/task_api.s
+++ b/src/kernel/task_api.s
@@ -1,30 +1,37 @@
-	[bits 32]
-	[extern _do_switch_task]
-	[global switch_task]
-	pusha 						; Save everything
-	push esp					; Arguments for _do_switch_task(eip, ebp, esp)
-	push ebp
-	push .after
-	call _do_switch_task
-	;; add esp, 12 				; Clear the arguments
-	popa						; Reset everything
-	xor eax, eax				; Return 0
-	ret
-	[global _switch_to_task]
-	;; _switch_to_task(uint page_directory, uint eip, uint ebp, uint esp)
-_switch_to_task:				; (page_directory, eip, ebp, esp)
+	;; This is very much the same as _switch_to_task, but we used iret
+	;; and switch to ring3.
+	[global _switch_to_user_task]
+	;; _switch_to_user_task(uint page_directory, uint eip, uint ebp, uint esp)
+_switch_to_user_task:			; (page_directory, eip, ebp, esp)
 	add esp, 4					; We don't care about the return address
 	pop ecx 					; Page directory
 	pop eax 					; eip
 	pop ebp
 	pop ebx						; esp
-	mov esp, ebx 				; Reset old stack
+	mov dx, 0x23				; User mode data segment
+	mov ds, dx
+	mov es, dx
+	mov fs, dx
+	mov gs, dx
 	mov cr3, ecx 				; Set page directory
+	push 0x23
+	push ebx 					; esp
 	jmp eax 					; Jump back to code
+	[global _switch_to_task]
+_switch_to_task:				; (uint page_directory, struct
+								; registers regs)
+	add esp, 4					; We don't care about return address
+	pop eax
+	mov cr3, eax				; Change page directories
+	pop eax
+	mov ds, ax 					; First is ds
+	popad						; Then the rest of the registers
+	add esp, 8					; Then IRQ # and error #
+	iret						; And finally the saved state