Fix paging #PF, simplify init_tasks

Unsure what fixed the paging #PF in init_tasks, but allocating a page
now works as expected. Originally a #PF would occur if alloc_page was
called after a certain point in init_tasks.
diff --git a/src/kernel/x86_32/task_api.s b/src/kernel/x86_32/task_api.s
index fce9811..44c0b4e 100644
--- a/src/kernel/x86_32/task_api.s
+++ b/src/kernel/x86_32/task_api.s
@@ -9,3 +9,8 @@
 	popad						; Then the rest of the registers
 	add esp, 8					; Then IRQ # and error #
 	iret						; And finally the saved state
+	[global _get_cr3]
+	mov eax, cr3
+	ret