@parent = page.html @title = Examples
Download the compiled programs and try them out in the emulator!
Draws every supported color on the screen. Download
LDY #$0 loop: TYA STA $200, Y STA $300, Y STA $400, Y STA $500, Y INY CMP #$ff BCC loop BRK
Epilepsy warning: lots of flashing colors. Due to how much faster this emulator is than the one this program was written for, it's more of just flashing colors than what it originally looked like. Download
; Taken from 6502asm.com start: inx txa sta $200, y sta $300, y sta $400, y sta $500, y iny tya cmp 16 bne do iny jmp start do: iny iny iny iny jmp start